New Strategy for Black Phosphorus Crystal Growth through Ternary Clathrate
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2017

We are reporting a new synthetic strategy to grow large-sized black phosphorus (Black-P) crystals through a ternary clathrate Sn24P22-xI8, under lower synthetic temperature and pressure. The Black-P crystals are found grown in situ at the site where the solid clathrate originally resides, which suggests chemical vapor mineralizer does not play a critical role for the Black-P formation. More detailed systematical studies have indicated the P vacancies in the framework of the ternary clathrate Sn24P22-xI8 are important for the subsequent Black-P from phosphorus vapors, and a likely vapor solid solid model is responsible for the Black-P crystal growth. The obtained room temperature mobility mu is similar to 350 cm(2)/V.s from Hall measurements at mechanically cleaved flakes, where noticeable microcracks are visible. The obtained high mobility value further suggests the high quality of the Black-P crystals synthesized through this route.


S. Li

X. Y. Liu

X. Fan

Y. Z. Ni

J. Miracle

N. Theodoropoulou

Jie Sun

Chalmers, Mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap, Kvantkomponentfysik

S. Chen

B. Lv

Q. K. Yu

Crystal Growth & Design

1528-7483 (ISSN) 1528-7505 (eISSN)

Vol. 17 12 6579-6585

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)




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