Tropical deforestation in a future international climatepolicy regime—lessons from the Brazilian Amazon
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2007
The possibility of adopting national targets for carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions from tropical deforestation in a future international climate treaty has received
increasing attention recently. This attention has been prompted by proposals to
this end and more intensified talks on possible commitments for developing countries
beyond the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Kyoto Protocol.
We analyze four main scientific and political challenges associated with national
targets for emissions from tropical deforestation: (1) reducing the uncertainties in
emission inventories, (2) preserving the environmental integrity of the treaty, (3)
promoting political acceptance and participation in the regime, and (4) providing
economic incentives for reduced deforestation.Wedraw the following conclusions. (1)
Although there are large uncertainties in carbon flux from deforestation, these are in
the same range as for other emissions included in the current Kyoto protocol (i.e., non-
CO2 GHGs), and they can be reduced. However, for forest degradation processes the
uncertainties are larger.Alarge challenge lies in building competence and institutions
for monitoring the full spectrum of land use changes in developing countries. (2 and 3)
Setting targets for deforestation is difficult, and uncertainties in future emissions imply
a risk of creating ‘tropical hot air’. However, there are proposals that may sufficiently
deal with this, and these proposals may also have the advantage of making the targets
more attractive, politically speaking. Moreover, we conclude that while a full carbon
accounting system will likely be politically unacceptable for tropical countries, the
current carbon accounting system should be broadened to include forest degradation
in order to safeguard environmental integrity. (4) Doubts can be cast over the possible
effect a climate regime alone will have on deforestation rates, though little
thorough analysis of this issue has been made.
Deforestation Land use change Climate change Policy Amazon Kyoto protocol