Lithospheric structure of Taiwan from gravity modelling and sequential inversion of seismological and gravity data
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2012

Using a Bouguer anomaly map and a dense seismic data set, we have performed two studies in order to improve our knowledge of the deep structure of Taiwan.First, we model the Bouguer anomaly along a profile crossing the island using simple forward modelling. The modelling is 2D, with the hypothesis of cylindrical symmetry. Second we present a joint analysis of gravity anomaly and seismic arrival time data recorded in Taiwan. An initial velocity model has been obtained by local earthquake tomography (LET) of the seismological data. The LET velocity model was used to construct an initial 3D gravity model, using a linear velocity-density relationship (Birch's law). The synthetic Bouguer anomaly calculated for this model has the same shape and wavelength as the observed anomaly. However some characteristics of the anomaly map are not retrieved. To derive a crustal velocity/density model which accounts for both types of observations, we performed a sequential inversion of seismological and gravity data. The variance reduction of the arrival time data for the final sequential model was comparable to the variance reduction obtained by simple LET. Moreover, the sequential model explained about 80% of the observed gravity anomaly. New 3D model of Taiwan lithosphere is presented.

Simultaneous inversion



Seismic tomography


Frederic Masson

Université de Strasbourg

Maxime Mouyen

National Chiao Tung University

Université de Strasbourg

Cheinway Hwang

National Chiao Tung University

Y.-M. Wu

National Taiwan University

Fanny Ponton

Université de Strasbourg

Maximilien Lehujeur

Université de Strasbourg

C Dorbath

Université de Strasbourg


0040-1951 (ISSN)

Vol. 578 3-9




Multidisciplinär geovetenskap



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