Coherent manipulation of an Andreev spin qubit
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2021

Two promising architectures for solid-state quantum information processing are based on electron spins electrostatically confined in semiconductor quantum dots and the collective electrodynamic modes of superconducting circuits. Superconducting electrodynamic qubits involve macroscopic numbers of electrons and offer the advantage of larger coupling, whereas semiconductor spin qubits involve individual electrons trapped in microscopic volumes but are more difficult to link. We combined beneficial aspects of both platforms in the Andreev spin qubit: the spin degree of freedom of an electronic quasiparticle trapped in the supercurrent-carrying Andreev levels of a Josephson semiconductor nanowire. We performed coherent spin manipulation by combining single-shot circuit–quantum-electrodynamics readout and spin-flipping Raman transitions and found a spin-flip time TS = 17 microseconds and a spin coherence time T2E = 52 nanoseconds. These results herald a regime of supercurrent-mediated coherent spin-photon coupling at the single-quantum level.


M. Hays

Yale University

V. Fatemi

Yale University

Daniël Bouman

TU Delft

Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft

J. Cerrillo

Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM)

S. Diamond

Yale University

K. Serniak

Yale University

T. Connolly

Yale University

P. Krogstrup

Niels Bohr Institute

J. Nygard

Niels Bohr Institute

A. Levy Yeyati

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM)

Attila Geresdi

Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft

Chalmers, Mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap, Kvantkomponentfysik

TU Delft

M. H. Devoret

Yale University


20965672 (ISSN) 25773585 (eISSN)

Vol. 373 6553 430-433

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Atom- och molekylfysik och optik

Annan fysik

Den kondenserade materiens fysik



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