Invitation to integral and rational points on curves and surfaces
Paper i proceeding, 2015

We provide a basic short introduction to Diophantine Geometry focusing on solutions to polynomial equations that correspond to rational and integral point of curves and surfaces. The methods employed are quite elementary and require no advanced background. We provide several explicit examples as well as ample citation for the motivated reader, aiming at introducing non-specialist to this intriguing world.


Pranabesh Das

Indian Statistical Institute (Delhi Centre)

Amos Turchet

Università degli Studi di Udine

Chalmers, Matematiska vetenskaper, Matematik

Contemporary Mathematics

0271-4132 (ISSN) 1098-3627 (eISSN)

Vol. 654 53-73
978-1-4704-1458-0 (ISBN)

Short Thematic Program on Rational Points, Rational Curves, and Entire Holomorphic Curves and Algebraic Varieties
Québec, Canada,

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)



Matematisk analys



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