Advanced teaching methods in the course "Timber Engineering" in the Nordic countries
Paper i proceeding, 2021

There is a general need for the education of more structural engineers and architects that are able to design timber structures. This includes both the education of new engineers as well as the further education of structural engineers that are experienced in other building materials. Digital tools have proven to be essential in the education and will become even more important in future. This might be of particular relevance for Nordic countries, especially remote regions. In this paper selected modern teaching methods will be addressed and discussed in respect to timber engineering. The experience with applied teaching methods (traditional and new once) as well as the students’ feedback and response during the course will be presented. Furthermore, the paper will address issues such as lifelong learning, digitalisation as well as the interaction between education and the industry.

Active learning

Timber engineering


online lectures

Nordic countries

Flipped classroom



Robert Jockwer

Chalmers, Arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik, Konstruktionsteknik

Gerhard Fink


World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021, WCTE 2021


World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2021)
Santiago, Chile,

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)


Pedagogiskt arbete


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