Toward the Sustainable Development of Operations: Improving Energy Efficiency as a Means to Sustainability as Practice
Doktorsavhandling, 2022
In response, this thesis seeks to expand current understandings of improving energy efficiency in operations in order to facilitate sustainability as practice, namely by embedding the concept of sustainable development into the theoretical framework of operations management. First, improving energy efficiency is analyzed as a firm-based practice that results in the actualization of corporate-level objectives for energy efficiency in operations by utilizing resources and influencing individual and/or collective action. Second, operations strategy is the analytical construct used to analyze the strategic–operational alignment of the resources needed to allow engaging in and replicating such an improvement-oriented process constructed and enacted by multiple individuals within and across organizational levels. Third and last, the thesis focuses on development via changes in individual and collective actions and understandings toward promoting sustainability as practice by building up people’s skills and competencies.
Drawing from findings in the five appended papers, the thesis first characterizes the improvement of energy efficiency in operations as a practice. Second, the thesis analyzes strategic–operational alignment in organizations by investigating the improvement of energy efficiency in operations as a practice in relation to organizations’ strategic intentions for sustainability as well as existing operations strategy. The results showcase examples of the bidirectional perspective on synergy between operations management and energy management. Last, whereas energy efficiency indeed requires focusing on the improvement process, the thesis argues that it also sustains such improvement and creates a constellation of practices that result in changes in people’s behavior. Achieving such continuity creates a context for practicing sustainability and gaining leverage to accomplish the sustainable development of operations.
Sustainable operations management
Operations management
Operations strategy
Energy efficiency
Naghmeh Taghavi Nejad Deilami
Chalmers, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation, Service Management and Logistics
Logistics service providers’ energy efficiency initiatives for environmental sustainability
International Journal of Logistics Management,;Vol. 33(2022)p. 1-26
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
Improving energy efficiency in operations: a practice-based study
Supply Chain Forum,;Vol. 23(2022)p. 374-396
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
Sustainable development of operations: Actors’ involvement in the process of energy efficiency improvements
Sustainability,;Vol. 13(2021)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
Lean energy: Turning sustainable development into organizational renewal
Sustainability,;Vol. 10(2018)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
Taghavi, N. (2021). Improving energy efficiency in operations; Practice-based learning through initiatives.
The thesis conceptualizes the improvement of energy efficiency in operations as a practice analyzed according to its own characteristics, its constituent activities, and how, why, and by whom those activities are interpreted and employed. Furthermore, the results recommend promoting strategic–operational alignment in organizations to improve the energy efficiency of their operations. Finally, focusing on development that occurs through changes in individual and collective actions and understandings to promote sustainability, as well as by developing people’s skills and competencies, the results illuminate the evolution of sustainability as practice and ensure development over time as a means to realize the sustainable development of operations. By addressing how organizations can continue engaging in improvement instead of engaging in what they have already improved, this thesis provides practical implications for evolution toward sustainable development.
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)
Annan teknik
Ekonomi och näringsliv
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5133