Improving energy efficiency in operations: a practice-based study
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2022

This article describes a practice-based framework for analysing how development efforts to
improve energy efficiency in operations interact with corporate-level strategies for sustainability,
as well as operations strategies, and whether they in fact improve energy efficiency in
operations at the various organisational levels of the company. To develop the framework,
a qualitative study following a multiple interview approach was conducted. Based on an
analysis of such efforts at three companies, this article suggests that improving energy
efficiency in operations is a dynamic process and involves interactions between the competing
logics of actors. The findings reveal that development efforts to improve energy efficiency in
operations, though varying in origin, can usually be attributed to the motivations of the actors
initiating them. Therefore, this article proposes that any improvement in energy efficiency in
operations is determined by the cumulative effect of interactions between competing logics of
actors who are officially accountable for or personally interested in improving energy efficiency
in their companies. By extension, by engaging different actors in contributing to continually
achieving improvement, the process of improving energy efficiency in operations can be
regarded as a context for sustainability-as-practice.

sustainability as practice

operations strategy

practicebased study

Improving energy efficiency

sustainable operations management


Naghmeh Taghavi Nejad Deilami

Chalmers, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation, Service Management and Logistics

Supply Chain Forum

1625-8312 (ISSN) 1624-6039 (eISSN)

Vol. 23 4 374-396


Annan maskinteknik

Transportteknik och logistik




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