Enhanced Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of High-Entropy HfMoNbTaTiVWZr Thin Film Metallic Glass and its Nitrides
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2022

The inception of high-entropy alloy promises to push the boundaries for new alloy design with unprecedented properties. This work reports entropy stabilisation of an octonary refractory, HfMoNbTaTiVWZr, high-entropy thin film metallic glass, and derived nitride films. The thin film metallic glass exhibited exceptional ductility of approximate to 60% strain without fracture and compression strength of 3 GPa in micro-compression, due to the presence of high density and strength of bonds. The thin film metallic glass shows thermal stability up to 750 degrees C and resistance to Ar-ion irradiation. Nitriding during film deposition of HfMoNbTaTiVWZr thin film of strong nitride forming refractory elements results in deposition of nanocrystalline nitride films with compressive strength, hardness, and thermal stability of up to 10 GPa, 18.7 GPa, and 950 degrees C, respectively. The high amount of lattice distortion in the nitride films leads to its insulating behaviour with electrical conductivity as low as 200 S cm(-1) in the as-deposited film. The design and exceptional properties of the thin film metallic glass and derived nitride films may open up new avenues of development of bulk metallic glasses and the application of refractory-based high entropy thin films in structural and functional applications.

thin film metallic glasses

high temperature

high-entropy alloy

high-entropy nitride film



Sajid Alvi

Chalmers, Fysik, Materialfysik

Michal Milczarek

Polish Academy of Sciences

Dariusz M. Jarzabek

Polish Academy of Sciences

Daniel Hedman

Institute for Basic Science - Korea (IBS)

Luleå tekniska universitet

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

Mojtaba Gilzad Kohan

Luleå tekniska universitet

Neonila Levintant-Zayonts

Polish Academy of Sciences

Alberto Vomiero

Universita Ca' Foscari Venezia

Luleå tekniska universitet

Farid Akhtar

Luleå tekniska universitet

Advanced Engineering Materials

1438-1656 (ISSN) 1527-2648 (eISSN)

Vol. 24 9 2101626


Oorganisk kemi


Annan materialteknik



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