A new model for capturing design information with an aim to aid change propagation assessment and subsequent redesign
Paper i proceeding, 2018

A new model is developed to investigate the causes of change propagation and guide the redesign process. The model offers a micro-level perspective on the mechanisms through which changes propagate or are absorbed. Extending the Information Structure Framework (ISF) reported by Ahmad et al. (2013), the model uses a multi-domain approach combined with a reformulated detail design process layer. It is illustrated through a desk-based case study of routine mechanical design. Advantages and limitations are discussed along with possibilities for further work.

detail design

information structure framework

design history

change management

engineering change


Arindam Brahma

University of Auckland

David C. Wynn

University of Auckland

DS 92: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference

1847-9073 (ISSN)

DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference
Dubrovnik, Croatia,

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)


Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi

Annan maskinteknik



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