Local inhomogeneous weighted summary statistics for marked point processes
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2024

We introduce a family of local inhomogeneous mark-weighted summary statistics, of order two and higher, for general marked point processes. Depending on how the involved weight function is specified, these summary statistics capture different kinds of local dependence structures. We first derive some basic properties and show how these new statistical tools can be used to construct most existing summary statistics for (marked) point processes. We then propose a local test of random labeling. This procedure allows us to identify points, and consequently regions, where the random labeling assumption does not hold, for example, when the (functional) marks are spatially dependent. Through a simulation study we show that the test is able to detect local deviations from random labeling. We also provide an application to an earthquake point pattern with functional marks given by seismic waveforms.


Nicoletta D'Angelo

Universita degli Studi di Palermo

Giada Adelfio

Universita degli Studi di Palermo

Jorge Mateu

Universidad Jaume I

Ottmar Cronie

Göteborgs universitet

Chalmers, Matematiska vetenskaper, Tillämpad matematik och statistik

Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics

1061-8600 (ISSN) 1537-2715 (eISSN)

Vol. 33 2 588-602


Sannolikhetsteori och statistik



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