Collaborative project delivery models in infrastructure construction
Doktorsavhandling, 2023
Collaborative project delivery models are said to support trust-building, quicker decision-making, information flow and project quality through the interaction of informal relationships and formal contractual frameworks, emphasizing the social dimension of the project organisation. With these aspects in mind, I follow the recent stream of applying social network analysis and network theories to better understand these inter-organisational relations. To create deeper insight into the changing industry, I also study the interaction of the project with its environment through an institutional lens. This thesis builds on a qualitative research design based on four main case studies. The empirical data consists of interviews, observations and document analysis. I have also mapped the social networks in three projects and approach them through a qualitative lens, focusing on the interaction between the project network and its institutional framing.
For megaproject research, this thesis adds rich data regarding project delivery and social networks created in large-scale project organisations. The research also identifies mechanics enabling the creation of collaborative organisations, but also the challenges of too well-connected networks. With respect to institutional change and institutional logics, this thesis adds insight and empirical examples of how logics interact and develop within project organisations. The contrasting results from the case studies show how the project network can either enable or constrain the development of new institutions and logics and how the project acts as an arena for change. As for social network theory, this thesis adds insight into the development of networks and the importance of the ties between actors as conduits of flows within the network, both pertaining to resources and change. Through empirical examples of three project networks, this thesis explains how the ‘snapshots’ of project networks have come to be and how they might develop. Finally, for practitioners, this thesis highlights the need for a collaborative mindset from the get-go and the importance of the formal framework as an enabler of informal social ties. For those working in the field of collaborative megaprojects, the findings acknowledge the importance of the project network and social dynamics within the project. It also highlights the necessary changes in roles and behaviours, especially in early project phases, as actors need to align their understanding of the project in unaccustomed ways.
Anna af Hällström
Chalmers, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation, Service Management and Logistics
Projektprocesser och roller ändras från traditionella projekt när man använder en samverkansmodell. Dessa förändringar måste beaktas när man planerar och sätter upp ett samverkansprojekt. Ett fokus på relationer och samarbete betonar den sociala dimensionen av projektet och binder samman aktörer i det sociala nätverk som skapas i projektorganisationen. Olika nätverksstrukturer kan möjliggöra eller hindra samarbete.
Denna doktorsavhandling undersöker hur en välfungerande samverkansmodell kan mildra motgångar och hjälpa projektdeltagare att fokusera på att lösa tekniska problem snarare än fokusera på avtalskonflikter. Ett sammanhållet nätverk kan möjliggöra snabb informationsspridning inom projektet, vilket hjälper till att skapa en enhetlig projektkultur och förändra kutymer och traditioner.
Project processes and roles change from traditional projects when using a CPDM. These changes must be taken into account when planning and setting up a CPDM project. A focus on relationships and collaboration emphasises the social dimension of projects and ties connecting actors in the social network created in the project organisation. Different network structures can enable or hinder collaboration.
This thesis investigates how a well-functioning CPDM can mitigate adversity and help project participants focus on solving technical issues rather than contractual conflicts. A cohesive network can enable quick information dispersal within the project, aiding in the creation of a unified project culture and institutional change.
Projekteringsprocess i kontraktsform Tidig Entreprenör Medverkan, TEM
Svenska Byggbranschens Utvecklingsfond (SBUF) (209683-200-9939), 2021-10-01 -- 2023-09-30.
Hållbar utveckling
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5388
Vasa B, Vera Sandbergs allé 8
Opponent: Per-Erik Eriksson, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology