Beyond Breakaway Corrosion: Investigating the Secondary corrosion protection of Iron-based alloys
Doktorsavhandling, 2023
The oxide scales formed after breakaway are often considered to be non-protective. There-fore, previous studies on breakaway corrosion have mainly focused on how to delay, or prevent, the breakdown of the Cr/Al-rich oxide. Nevertheless, in many industrial appli-cations the breakaway event occurs in an early stage of operation and may be difficult to prevent. Thus, the corrosion propagation and lifetime of metallic components are often determined by the protection of the Fe-rich oxide scale formed after breakaway.
This thesis systematically investigates the protective properties of the Fe-rich oxides formed after breakaway at intermediate temperatures (400-600 °C). This is done through well-controlled breakdown of the Cr/Al-rich oxide, on a broad range of Fe-based model alloys that contain varying amounts of Cr, Ni, Al, and Si. The formed multi-layered Fe-rich oxide scales are subjected to detailed microstructural investigations, to elucidate how the properties and microstructures of the multi-layered Fe-rich oxide change as a result of altered alloy composition, and/or the presence of certain corrosive species.
The results clearly demonstrate the possibilities to improve the protection of the Fe-rich oxide by an altered alloy composition. The influences that alloying elements exhibit on the Fe-rich oxide scales are different from the previously demonstrated effects of the slow-growing Cr/Al-rich corundum-type oxides. Thus, the positive effects of certain alloy-ing elements in Fe-based alloys are not necessarily the same for the corrosion protection exhibited before and after breakaway. Therefore, this thesis introduces the concept of primary and secondary corrosion protection for the oxide scales formed before (Cr/Al-rich corundum-type oxides) and after (multi-layered Fe-rich oxide scales) breakaway. The terminology is considered to be important for future material research and development, as well as for the selection of materials to be used in applications in which breakaway corrosion cannot be prevented.
High temperature corrosion, Breakaway oxidation, Fe-based alloys, Iron oxide, Secondary corrosion protection
Amanda Persdotter
Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material
The long-term corrosion behavior of FeCrAl(Si) alloys after breakaway oxidation at 600 °C
Corrosion Science,;Vol. 217(2023)
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Secondary corrosion protection of FeCr(Al) model alloys at 600 °C – The influence of Cr and Al after breakaway corrosion
Corrosion Science,;Vol. 189(2021)
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Minor element effect on high temperature corrosion of a low-alloyed steel: Insight into alkali- and chlorine induced corrosion by means of atom probe tomography
Corrosion Science,;Vol. 192(2021)
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Oxidation of Fe-2.25Cr-1Mo in presence of KCl(s) at 400 °C – Crack formation and its influence on oxidation kinetics
Corrosion Science,;Vol. 163(2020)
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Beyond breakaway corrosion – Influence of chromium, nickel and aluminum on corrosion of iron-based alloys at 600 °C
Corrosion Science,;Vol. 177(2020)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
A. Persdotter, H. Larsson, J. Eklund, S. Bigdeli, T. Jonsson, The influence of Nickel on the corrosion protection of FeCrNi alloys after breakaway corrosion at 600 °C
A. Persdotter, T. Boll, V. Ssenteza, T. Jonsson, Insight into the influence of alloying elements on the secondary corrosion protection of Fe-based alloys by means of Atom probe tomography.
I denna tes påvisas tydligt möjligheterna att förbättra de skyddande egenskaperna av den järnrika oxiden vid medelhöga temperaturer (400-600 °C) genom att ändra stålet sammansättning. Effekten av olika legeringselement är skild från de tidigare uppvisade effekterna hos de långsamtväxande krom-/aluminium-rika oxiderna. Det sekundära korrosionsskyddet undersöks systematiskt på olika stål genom att inducera nedbrytning av den krom-/aluminium-rika oxiden och studera den järnrika oxidens skyddande egenskaper. Syftet är att öka kunskapen om vilka faktorer som avgör det sekundära korrosionsskyddet samt att bättre förstå hur det påverkas av olika legeringssammansättningar och miljöer.
Begreppet primärt- och sekundärt korrosionsskydd upprättas för att särskilja de långsamtväxande krom-/aluminium-rika oxiderna som bildas i milda miljöer, från de mer snabbväxande järnrika oxiderna som bildas efter nedbrytning av det primära skyddet. Begreppet anses viktigt för både materialutveckling och som hjälp vid val av material för applikationer verksamma vid medelhöga temperaturer, där den korrosiva miljön inte möjliggör för bildning av ett primärt korrosionsskydd.
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)
Metallurgi och metalliska material
Den kondenserade materiens fysik
Chalmers materialanalyslaboratorium
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5409