The co-creation of value by public and private actors in the front end of urban development projects
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2023

This study focuses on the co-creation of value in the front end of urban development projects (UDPs) established by coalitions of public and private actors to develop specific urban premises or areas. Creating value in UDPs calls for collaboration between municipal actors and private companies, specifically in the front end phase, during which major design decisions are made. This qualitative case study builds on data collected through 27 semi-structured interviews in a middle-sized city in Finland. Our data analysis resulted in the categorisation of four value co-creation processes involving municipal actors and private companies, namely, zoning, exploring, procuring and negotiating. The study's results offer insights into how value co-creation can be facilitated in UDPs. This study contributes to recent value-creation literature by providing a novel understanding of each value co-creation process, its characteristics and its corresponding co-created values.

Project front end

Value co-creation

Urban development projects


Sebastian Toukola

Tampereen Yliopisto

Ahola Tuomas

Tampereen Yliopisto

Matias Ståhle

Tampereen Yliopisto

Anna af Hällström

Chalmers, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation, Service Management and Logistics

International Journal of Project Management

0263-7863 (ISSN)

Vol. 41 8 102542





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