An Exploration of Substituent Effects on the Photophysical Properties of Monobenzopentalenes
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2024

Monobenzopentalenes have received moderate attention compared to dibenzopentalenes, yet their accessibility as stable, non-symmetric structures with diverse substituents could be interesting for materials applications, including molecular photonics. Recently, monobenzopentalene was considered computationally as a potential chromophore for singlet fission (SF) photovoltaics. To advance this compound class towards photonics applications, the excited state energetics must be characterized, computationally and experimentally. In this report we synthesized a series of stable substituted monobenzopentalenes and provided the first experimental exploration of their photophysical properties. Structural and opto-electronic characterization revealed that all derivatives showed 1H NMR shifts in the olefinic region, bond length alternation in the pentalene unit, low-intensity absorptions reflecting the ground-state antiaromatic character and in turn the symmetry forbidden HOMO-to-LUMO transitions of ~2 eV and redox amphotericity. This was also supported by computed aromaticity indices (NICS, ACID, HOMA). Accordingly, substituents did not affect the fulfilment of the energetic criterion of SF, as the computed excited-state energy levels satisfied the required E(S1)/E(T1)>2 relationship. Further spectroscopic measurements revealed a concentration dependent quenching of the excited state and population of the S2 state on the nanosecond timescale, providing initial evidence for unusual photophysics and an alternative entry point for singlet fission with monobenzopentalenes.

excited state

singlet fission




substituent effects


Tamás Gazdag

Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Enikő Meiszter

Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia

Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem

Péter J. Mayer

Uppsala universitet

Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia

Tamás Holczbauer

Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia

H. Ottosson

Uppsala universitet

Andrew Brian Maurer

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Kemi och biokemi

Maria Abrahamsson

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Kemi och biokemi

Gábor London

Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia


1439-4235 (ISSN) 1439-7641 (eISSN)

Vol. 25 7 e202300737


Fysikalisk kemi

Organisk kemi





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