Evaluating the Correct Usage, Comfort and Fit of Personal Protective Equipment in Construction Work
Paper i proceeding, 2024
Several factors contribute to the use, non-use, or inadequate use of personal protectiveequipment (PPE) in construction work. This study aimed to analyse correct usageof various PPE, such as helmet, ear protectors, goggles, respiratory mask, gloves, protectiveclothing, and a safety harness. Correct usage was assessed as guessability,which refers to human perceptions of how to don, adjust, use, and doff the equipmentas intended. First an analytical evaluation was conducted using ECW (enhancedcognitive walkthrough) and PUEA (predictive use error analysis) to identify usabilityproblems and use errors during handling. Then usability tests were performed with13 persons of different heights and body constitutions. Observations, the think-aloudmethod, short interviews, and subjective estimations were employed. The analyticalevaluation revealed most minor usability problems and use errors resulting in physicaldiscomfort. Some safety harness-related errors emerged, particularly for novices,potentially leading to severe incidents. The usability tests demonstrated physical aswell as functional discomfort when using a combination of PPE, intensifying over time.The combination of goggles and face mask caused pressure, chafing, heat rash andlimited vision. The helmet, combined with goggles and ear protectors, did not fitwell, and caused pressure. The guessability for donning and wearing the combinationof PPE was moderate, requiring time for proper adjustment. The guessability ofthe safety harness was poor, lacking design cues for donning, adjusting, and positioningon skeletal bones. Physical discomfort arose when straps were overly tightened.Not all straps could be adjusted for some body constitutions, compromising safety. Inconclusion, using several types of PPE together may lead to physical and functionaldiscomfort and pain over time, potentially resulting in misuse, non-use, or reducedperformance. The findings of this study can serve as a basis for redesigning PPE,particularly for scenarios involving combined usage.
Usability tests
Personal protective equipment