Highlights of the Book: A Menu of Possible Actions for Decarbonization Today and Tomorrow
Kapitel i bok, 2023

A number of the individual chapter authors have come together to provide an extended summary of many of the key points made in the book. This chapter provides a menu of possible actions for the reader to select from in pursuing their own decarbonization activities. It is also a way for the reader to identify which of the chapters are particularly relevant to them if they wish to delve deeper into particular subjects.


Wolfgang Lehmacher

Independent researcher

Mikael Lind

Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Maritima studier

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Gavin Allwright

International Windship Association (IWSA)

Jeremy B. Bentham

Mission Possible Partnership

World Energy Council

Royal Dutch Shell

Transformative Scenarios B.V.

Boston Consulting Group Inc.

David Cummins

Blue Sky Maritime Coalition

Theo Notteboom

Universiteit Gent

Johan Byskov Svendsen

Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping

Kirsi Tikka

Ardmore Shipping

Pacific Basin Shipping

Foreship Ltd.

Louise De Tremerie

European Parliament

Maritime Decarbonization: Practical Tools, Case Studies and Decarbonization Enablers

9783031399367 (ISBN)


Hållbar utveckling

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)


Marin teknik



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