In-situ X-ray analysis of cold alkali dissolution of cellulose pulps of various origin
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2025

This article elucidates the dissolution of cellulose from different raw materials in NaOH aqueous solution via the combination of synchrotron-radiation-based SAXS/WAXS characterization. The X-ray measurements probed the mesostructure of the cellulose samples during the freeze-thawing cycle allowing tracking the initial swelling of the structure, the kinetics of disintegration of the cellulose crystallites as well as controlling the final state of the cellulose solution, i.e. presence or absence of cellulose aggregates. The individual SAXS and WAXS measurements were fitted and modelled to enable visualisation and tracking of the changes in the structure in relation to temperature during cooling and warming phases. To further increase the understanding of the parameters affecting dissolution different cellulose samples and solution compositions were considered. For this purpose the effect of increasing the concentration of NaOH and adding Zn2+ has been carefully investigated as well as the importance of the cellulose origin. We found consistent development that the dissolution occurs faster at higher concentrations of NaOH and with Zn2+ regardless the origin. Nevertheless, SAXS data show that materials with a larger amount of cellulose I show more apparent swelling in mesoscopic structure than bleached agricultural containing cellulose II. Despite few crystalline residues after the complete cooling-heating cycle shown by WAXS, some cellulose was not completely dissolved as some network structure remained in the samples under the test condition as suggested by SAXS.


Fiber network



Joanna Wojtasz-Mucha

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Kemiteknik

Jenny Bengtsson

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Hanna Ulmefors

Extern samverkan, forsknings- och innovationsstöd

Diana Bernin

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Kemiteknik

Asa Ostlund

TreeToTextile AB

Shun Yu

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Lund Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science (LINXS)


0969-0239 (ISSN) 1572882x (eISSN)

Vol. 32 1 115-131 134226

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)


Pappers-, massa- och fiberteknik



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