Ground Source Heating of Soccer Fields: Systems and Market Potential in Cold Climates
Paper i proceeding, 2024

In Scandinavia there are more than 3 000 soccer fields with artificial turf. About 300 of these have subsurface hydronic heating systems. The heated turfsmake it possible for training and games throughout most of the year. Furthermore, a pitch that is kept frost-free prevents injuries caused by a slippery turfand frozen ground conditions. Practically all heated soccer fields in Scandinavia use district heating as a heat source. Only a few fields are using groundsource heat pump systems (GSHP). However, the potential for a more extensive use of GSHP systems seems promising due to the considerably lowerenergy cost. In this paper the use of GSHPs for subsurface heating of soccer fields with artificial turf is analyzed in terms of design, functionalcharacteristics, and energy cost saving. Finally, aspects of market conditions for a broader use of GSHP systems for these applications are given, focusedon the Scandinavian countries.


Bijan Adl-Zarrabi

Chalmers, Arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik, Byggnadsteknologi

IGSHPA Research Conference

227-235 24.000025

IGSHPA Research Conference
Montréal, Canada,

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)




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