Measuring Corrosion-Induced Deformations in Reinforced Concrete: An Image-Based Approach by Means of X-Ray Computed Tomography
Paper i proceeding, 2025

Numerical models for assessing corrosion damage in reinforced concrete require validation through experimental research, which is challenging to achieve without disrupting the sample. In this paper, an image-based, non-destructive, experimental approach is presented to study corrosion-induced cracking in small-scale samples by measuring corrosion-induced deformations within the concrete, using data acquired from X-ray Computed Tomography. The acquired image data were analysed with Digital Volume Correlation to quantify deformations within the concrete. The results revealed a direct correlation between increasing corrosion level and increasing concrete deformations. Furthermore, strain localisation was measured in regions of concrete cracking. This approach has potential for studying time-dependent evolution of corrosion-induced deformations within small-scale reinforced concrete specimens, enabling physics-based modelling approaches that are experimentally validated.


Digital Volume Correlation

X-ray Computed Tomography

Reinforced Concrete


Andreas Alhede

Chalmers, Arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik, Konstruktionsteknik

Charlotte Van Steen

KU Leuven

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

23662557 (ISSN) 23662565 (eISSN)

Vol. 574 11-18
978-3-031-80724-4 (ISBN)

4th fib International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, ICCS 2024
Guimarães, Portugal,

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