Comparing public and private intermediaries co-existing in ecologies of intermediation
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2025

Ecologies of intermediation are important in facilitating the adoption of renewable electricity technologies by supporting adopters. However, previous research has suggested that this support is fragmented and uncoordinated. This paper draws attention to the support provided by two actor-types co-existing in an ecology of intermediation: public and private intermediaries. While differences between these intermediary types have earlier been suggested, these assumptions have not been tested on a larger sample. The analysis of novel survey data shows that public and private intermediaries co-existing in the studied ecology exhibit complementarities regarding target groups, activities, and timing of the provided support. The extent of these complementarities and potentials reasons are finally discussed, raising the question of innovation system maturity and well as additional characteristics of the ecology of intermediation in the specific context of solar PV technology.



Ecologies of intermediation

Adoption process

Solar PV



Lisa Bastås

Chalmers, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation, Innovation and R&D Management

Ingrid Johansson Mignon

Chalmers, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation, Innovation and R&D Management

Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions

22104224 (eISSN)

Vol. 56 100972

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2025)

Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik



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