Värdering och säkring av innemiljökvaliteter i byggnader: i program-, projekterings- och förvaltningsskede
Doktorsavhandling, 2002

This thesis presents and evaluate a methodology to assess and ensure Indoor Environment Qualities (IEQ) in buildings, during program, design and management phases. Different tools are proposed to collect input for assessment and to structure decision making in planning process. The methodology to assess IEQ is developed as part of the development of a broader environmental assessment method for real estates, EcoEffect. In 1998-1999 methodology to assess IEQ was developed and tested in three groups of existing multi-family houses and in 2000-2001 during the program and design of three multi-family building projects, planned for the exhibition Bo01 in Malmö, Sweden. The methodology is designed to sum up assessment as two different aspects of IEQ. One reflecting an estimated risk of getting health problems from the building, the other giving an assessment value of the following IE Factors: Indoor Air Quality, Thermal comfort, Sound- and Lighting conditions, Electric environment, Tap water quality and Surface layer quality. Ten main groups of health problems are taken into account; Comfort problems, Intensified joint annoyance due to draught, Sleeping problems due to noise, Eye problems due to poor lighting, SBS (Sick Building Syndrome), Intensified allergy, Cancer, Infections, Enhanced sensitivity to the environment and Other uncommon health problems, like poisoning or reproduction injuries. A systematic and standardised questionnaire to evaluate tenants perception of health impacts is used when assessing existing buildings. Technical measurements are used when necessary, e.g. when estimating the risk for lung cancer due to radon in indoor air. The assessment methodology is based on multi-criteria analyse, development of different hierarchies for different assessment situations and simple additive weighting of criteria. The detailed questions about perceived environment, designed and used in the questionnaire, are appointed to have a central position (as standardised indoor problems, like "Smells mould", "Draught from windows") also when formulating and structuring criteria for assessing planned buildings. They are used as a common category when arranging connections between the hierarchies of the different assessment situations. During the program phase they are used as a base for organising indoor environment parameters and in the design phase the performance of building parts and products. When going from the assessment of health problems to the assessment of indoor environment factors the indoor problems are reorganised in a different pattern. This is the method used to incorporate experiences from the management phase to the planning phase. The thesis is written in Swedish, with a 6 pages summary in English.


indoor environment problems


indoor environment factors


building related health problems




building process


Marie Hult

Chalmers, Institutionen för installationsteknik





Document - Chalmers tekniska högskola, Institutionen för installationsteknik: 63

Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 1854



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