Experimental investigations and numerical validation of an outlet guide vane with an engine mount recess
Paper i proceeding, 2008
This paper presents experiments and CFD calculations of a Low Pressure Turbine/Outlet Guide Vane (LPT/OGV) equipped with an engine mount recess (a bump) tested in the Chalmers linear LPT/OGV cascade. The investigated characteristics include performance for the design point in terms of total pressure loss and turning as well as a detailed description of the downstream development of the secondary flow field.
The numerical simulations are performed for the same inlet conditions as in the test-facility with engine-like properties in terms of Reynolds number, boundary-layer thickness and inlet flow angle. The objective is to validate how accurately and reliably the secondary flow field and losses can be predicted for an LPT/OGV equipped with a bump.
Three different turbulent models as implemented in FLUENT, the k-epsilon realizable model, the komega-SST model and the RSM are validated against detailed measurements. From these results it can be concluded that the komega-SST model predicts both the secondary flow field and the losses most accurately.