Two-proton decay of the 6Be ground state and the double isobaric analog of 11Li
Paper i proceeding, 2013

Two-proton decay is discussed in a number of light isobaric multiplets. For the lightest two-proton emitter, 6Be, the momentum correlations between the three decay products were measured and found to be consistent with quantum-mechanical three-cluster-model calculations. Two-proton decay was also found for two members of the A=8 and A=11 quintets. Finally, a third member of the A=11 sextet, the double isobaric analog of the halo nucleus 11Li in 11B was observed by its two-proton decay.


R. J. Charity

Washington University in St. Louis

J. M. Elson

Washington University in St. Louis

S.A. Komarov

Washington University in St. Louis

L. G. Sobotka

Washington University in St. Louis

J. Manfredi

Washington University in St. Louis

R. Shane

Washington University in St. Louis

I. A. Egorova

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)

L.V. Grigorenko

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)

K. Hagino

Tohoku University

D. Bazin

Michigan State University

Z. Chajȩcki

Michigan State University

D.D.S. Coupland

Michigan State University

A. Gade

Michigan State University

H. Iwasaki

Michigan State University

M. Kilbrun

Michigan State University

J. Lee

Michigan State University

S.M. Lukyanov

Michigan State University

W.G. Lynch

Michigan State University

M. Mocko

Michigan State University

S.P. Lobastov

Michigan State University

A. Rodgers

Michigan State University

A. Sanetullaev

Michigan State University

M.B. Tsang

Michigan State University

M.S. Wallace

Michigan State University

J.R. Winkelbauer

Michigan State University

M. Youngs

Michigan State University

S. Hudan

Indiana University

C.J. Metelko

Indiana University

M.A. Famino

Western Michigan University

S.T. Marley

Western Michigan University

D.V. Shetty

Western Michigan University

A. H. Wuosmaa

Western Michigan University

M.J.V. Goethem

Kernfysisch Versneller Institut

Mikhail Zhukov

Chalmers, Teknisk fysik, Subatomär fysik

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

17426588 (ISSN) 17426596 (eISSN)

Vol. 420 1 012073


Subatomär fysik



Grundläggande vetenskaper



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