Chalmers Environmental Initiative Progress Report 2001
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap), 2001
The Board of the Chalmers University of Technology
Foundation decided in 1999 to invest SEK 100
million in a strategic investment in the environment
with a special focus on environmental systems analysis.
This investment was entitled The Chalmers
Environmental Initiative (CEI). Through this
environmental initiative Chalmers has acquired a
prominent international position within environmental
systems analysis.
CEI is the result of the active research and education
that has taken place at Chalmers over the past 10
years. A broad base in combination with leading
edge technology presented the opportunity to create
a very strong research programme based on
interaction between the various schools at Chalmers.
As CEI is integrated into undergraduate and
doctoral programmes at Chalmers, engineers,
architects and doctoral students have access, within
the framework of their studies, to research-based
environmental education with a focus on a
sustainable society. CEI also co-operates with other
parties, such as industry, politicians, various organisations
and the general public, as a further means of
contributing to sustainable development in society.
Within CEI, seven new professors have been
appointed within the following areas:
Management for Sustainability
Rolf Wolff, 1 June 2000
Environmental Systems Technology
Anne-Marie Tillman, 1 September 2000
Sustainable Industrial Metabolism
Christian Azar, 1 September 2000
Global Environmental Measurements
Donal Murtagh, 1 November 2000
Green Chemistry
William J. Frederick Jr, 1 August 2001
Sustainable Energy Systems
Filip Johnsson, preliminary 1 October 2001
Design for Sustainable Urban Development
Vacant: interviews during April 2001
The four professors appointed in 2000 are presented
in this report as well as their declaration of intent
for the next few years. At present, the CEI professors
are involved with approximately 40 universities,
institutes and industrial partners in the form of
project co-operation and joint publications. The four
professors have the greater proportion of their
environmental research funded through external
grants, compared to CEI. The proportion of faculty
funds and other internal Chalmers funds is at present
very low. A summary of the financing structure
is also included in this report.
During 2001, various forms of co-operation were
initiated between the professors, such as joint project
plans, doctoral students, courses and graduate
schools. During autumn 2001, a residential seminar
is planned for discussions within CEI as well as an
open presentation of the project and the professors.
This major in-house focus on environmental research
has attracted attention externally and contributed
to the opening up of new potential in combination
with increased expectations. Since May 1, 2000,
Chalmers has been a member of the Alliance for
Global Sustainability (AGS), an association of some
of the world’s foremost universities in the
environmental field. AGS and other platforms form
the basis for international research collaboration.
CEI and other environmental activities have led to
spin-off effects and contributed to increased interest
in Chalmers as an environmental university.
Chalmers and Göteborg University were, for
example, jointly awarded the King Carl XVI Gustaf
visiting professorship in environmental science for
2001-2002 and Margot Wallström received an
honorary doctorate from Chalmers in 2001. A large
number of well-known environmental researchers
have also visited Chalmers to take part in
conferences and seminars, including the winners of
the Volvo Environmental Award for 2000 and the
winner of the City of Göteborg International
Environmental Award for 2000.
björn malbert
hans theliander
green chemistry
environmental systems analysis
energy systems
sustainable urban development
sustainable development
sustainable industrial metabolism
anne-marie tillman
william frederick
rolf wolff
christian azar
donal murtagh
filip johnsson
global environmental measurements