Walking on thin ice: Reflexivity in doing ethnography
Kapitel i bok, 2021

Researcher reflexivity is important throughout the research process, especially in ethnographic enquiry. This chapter provides a reflexive account of our research experiences with exiled Syrian academics, whose efforts to re-establish their academic careers in their new contexts and publish in English as an Additional Language we have been following for more than two years. Data are taken from a longitudinal multiple-case study using ethnography as deep theorizing (Lillis, 2008). In this chapter we provide a reflexive account of five research methodological aspects: participant recruitment, conducting and analysing interviews, Text Histories, textual representation, and ethics in collaborative ethnography. We discuss how aspects of the researcher’s experience and position interact with the research process.

Text Histories

ethics in collaborative ethnography

publishing in EAL

refugee studies

feminist approach to reflexivity


Baraa Khuder

University of London

Bojana Petrić

University of London

Ethnographies of academic writing research. Theory, methods, and interpretation

9789027210067 (ISBN)


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