The self-oscillation paradox in the flight motor of Drosophila melanogaster
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2023

Tiny flying insects, such as Drosophila melanogaster, fly by flapping their wings at frequencies faster than their brains are able to process. To do so, they rely on self-oscillation: dynamic instability, leading to emergent oscillation, arising from muscle stretch-activation. Many questions concerning this vital natural instability remain open. Does flight motor self-oscillation necessarily lead to resonance - a state optimal in efficiency and/or performance? If so, what state? And is self-oscillation even guaranteed in a motor driven by stretch-activated muscle, or are there limiting conditions? In this work, we use data-driven models of wingbeat and muscle behaviour to answer these questions. Developing and leveraging novel analysis techniques, including symbolic computation, we establish a fundamental condition for motor self-oscillation common to a wide range of motor models. Remarkably, D. melanogaster flight apparently defies this condition: a paradox of motor operation. We explore potential resolutions to this paradox, and, within its confines, establish that the D. melanogaster flight motor is probably not resonant with respect to exoskeletal elasticity: instead, the muscular elasticity plays a dominant role. Contrary to common supposition, the stiffness of stretch-activated muscle is an obstacle to, rather than an enabler of, the operation of the D. melanogaster flight motor.

insect flight



stretch-activated muscle


Arion Pons

Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Strömningslära

Journal of the Royal Society Interface

1742-5689 (ISSN) 1742-5662 (eISSN)

Vol. 20 208 20230421


Teknisk mekanik






Relaterade dataset

Data for: "The self-oscillation paradox in the flight motor of D. melanogaster" [dataset]

DOI: 10.5878/dq5w-x472 ID: 2023-205 URI:

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