Are We There Yet?—Looking at the Progress of Digitalization in Maintenance Based on Interview Studies Within the Swedish Maintenance Ecosystem
Paper i proceeding, 2024

Industry 4.0 promises huge effects on industrial performance, once critical equipment is equipped with sensors and interconnected, and big data sets and digital twins are established that allows for advanced data analytics using machine learning, cognitive computing, and information visualization techniques. Maintenance is an area of industrial activities that would greatly benefit from the implementation of Industry 4.0. But how far has the digital transformation progress come? In 2018, an interview study was performed with 14 representatives within the maintenance ecosystem during the Nordic maintenance fare held in Gothenburg. A similar study was performed at the fare held in 2022, in which 22 actors representing system providers, computerized maintenance management suppliers, researchers, and educators participated. The aim of the studies was to get a broad view on maintenance in the digital era, covering topics like enabling technologies, challenges as well as opportunities. This paper reports on the similarities and differences in results from the two interview studies and draws conclusions on the progress and directions of the digitalization in maintenance. The findings suggest that the progress is rather slow. Data management and decision-making capabilities forms the basis for digitalization of maintenance. The focus on sensor technology has somewhat been reduced, while the prediction was that it would have increased. Instead, the ability to communicate and share information is stressed. Advanced analytical capabilities are foreseen to have a breakthrough in five years’ time, as well as technologies for data gathering and communication. The challenges are mainly the same, i.e., related to competence, leadership, and strategy. This suggests that, to enable the digital transformation, we should focus on the formulation of appropriate business cases and initiation of pilot studies, supporting the implementation process and involving all people in the change, and securing the competence and skills by training, education, and recruitment of young people to maintenance positions.

Digitalization in maintenance

Challenges and opportunities

Swedish maintenance ecosystem

Interview study

Comparative study

Maintenance digital transformation

Industry 4.0


Mirka Kans

Chalmers, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation, Supply and Operations Management

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

2195-4356 (ISSN) 2195-4364 (eISSN)

978-3-031-39619-9 (ISBN)

International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance 2023. IAI 2023.
Luleå, Sweden,


Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi

Tillförlitlighets- och kvalitetsteknik


Hållbar utveckling





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