Ambient monoterpenes from stone groundwood pulp production
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 1990

Composition and ambient concentrations in air were studied for monoterpenes from stone groundwood production at a Swedish plant using exclusively pulp wood from Norway spruce. Field samples were taken on Tenax adsorption cartridges and analyzed by thermal desorption combined with temperature programmed capillary gas chromatography. The major monoterpenes emitted from the process were alpha-pinene(54-59 %) and beta-pinene(24-28 %). Limonene, 3-carene, beta-phellandrene, camphene and myrcene (1-10 % each) followed in decreasing relative proportions. Total ambient monoterpene concentrations above 500 microgram/m3 were assessed at ground level downwind from the emissions. Photo-oxidants formed in the monoterpene plumes are discussed with respect to forest damage and health hazards.


Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall

Institutionen för kemisk miljövetenskap

Göran Petersson

Institutionen för kemisk miljövetenskap


Vol. 44 449-452


Analytisk kemi

Kemiska processer


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