Abderahmane Derouiche

Visiting Researcher at Systems and Synthetic Biology

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 17 publications


Connection between protein-tyrosine kinase inhibition and coping with oxidative stress in Bacillus subtilis

Lei Shi, Abderahmane Derouiche, Santosh Pandit et al
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 121 (25)
Journal article

Sustained release of usnic acid from graphene coatings ensures long term antibiofilm protection

Santosh Pandit, Shadi Rahimi, Abderahmane Derouiche et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 11 (1)
Journal article

Importance of protein Ser/Thr/Tyr phosphorylation for bacterial pathogenesis

Julie Bonne Kohler, Carsten Jers, Meriem Senissar et al
FEBS Letters. Vol. 594 (15), p. 2339-2369
Review article

Evolutionary Analysis of the Bacillus subtilis Genome Reveals New Genes Involved in Sporulation

Lei Shi, Abderahmane Derouiche, Santosh Pandit et al
Molecular Biology and Evolution. Vol. 37 (6), p. 1667-1678
Journal article

The Exo-Polysaccharide Component of Extracellular Matrix is Essential for the Viscoelastic Properties of Bacillus subtilis Biofilms

Santosh Pandit, Mina Fazilati, Karolina Gaska et al
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol. 21 (18), p. 1-17
Journal article

Precontrolled Alignment of Graphite Nanoplatelets in Polymeric Composites Prevents Bacterial Attachment

Santosh Pandit, Karolina Gaska, Venkata Raghavendra Subrahmanya Sar Mokkapati et al
Small. Vol. 16 (5)
Journal article

Comparative genomics study reveals Red Sea Bacillus with characteristics associated with potential microbial cell factories (MCFs)

Ghofran Othoum, Sylvain Prigent, Abderahmane Derouiche et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 9 (1)
Journal article

Phosphorylation of the Bacillus subtilis Replication Controller YabA Plays a Role in Regulation of Sporulation and Biofilm Formation

Transito Garcia Garcia, Magali Ventroux, Abderahmane Derouiche et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 9 (MAR)
Journal article

Low Concentrations of Vitamin C Reduce the Synthesis of Extracellular Polymers and Destabilize Bacterial Biofilms

Santosh Pandit, Vaishnavi Ravikumar, A. M. Abdel-Haleem et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 8 (DEC)
Journal article

Role of Protein Phosphorylation in the Regulation of Cell Cycle and DNA-Related Processes in Bacteria

T. Garcia-Garcia, S. Poncet, Abderahmane Derouiche et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 7 (FEB)
Review article

Evolution and tinkering: what do a protein kinase, a transcriptional regulator and chromosome segregation/cell division proteins have in common?

Abderahmane Derouiche, Lei Shi, Aida Kalantari et al
Current Genetics. Vol. 62 (1), p. 67-70
Review article

Bacillus subtilis single-stranded DNA-binding protein SsbA is phosphorylated at threonine 38 by the serine/threonine kinase YabT

Abderahmane Derouiche, Dina Petranovic Nielsen, B. Macek et al
Periodicum Biologorum. Vol. 118 (4), p. 399-404
Journal article

Substrate Specificity of the Bacillus subtilis BY-Kinase PtkA Is Controlled by Alternative Activators: TkmA and SalA

Abderahmane Derouiche, Lei Shi, Aida Kalantari et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 7 (SEP)
Journal article

Tyrosine 601 of Bacillus subtilis DnaK Undergoes Phosphorylation and Is Crucial for Chaperone Activity and Heat Shock Survival

Lei Shi, V. Ravikumar, Abderahmane Derouiche et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 7 (APR)
Journal article

Serine/threonine/tyrosine phosphorylation regulates DNA binding of bacterial transcriptional regulators

Aida Kalantari, Abderahmane Derouiche, Lei Shi et al
Microbiology. Vol. 161 (9), p. 1720-1729
Review article

Bacillus subtilisSalA is a phosphorylation-dependent transcription regulator that represses scoC and activates the production of the exoprotease AprE

Abderahmane Derouiche, Lei Shi, V. Bidnenko et al
Molecular Microbiology. Vol. 97 (6), p. 1195-1208
Journal article

Protein-tyrosine phosphorylation interaction network in Bacillus subtilis reveals new substrates, kinase activators and kinase cross-talk

Lei Shi, N. Pigeonneau, M. Ventroux et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 5 (OCT), p. Art. no. 538-
Journal article

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