Bertil Gustafsson

Showing 9 publications


Design and Problem Oriented Education based on the Application of Knowledge – Developing Chalmers' Master’s Programme in Production Engineering

Bertil Gustafsson, Anders Skoogh
Proceedings of the Swedish Production Symposium 2011, p. 442-449
Paper in proceeding

Lärande i ljuset av kunskapens användning

Bertil Gustafsson, Åsa Fasth Berglund
NU-Dialog för lärande, p. 46-
Paper in proceeding

Arbetsliv – i ljuset av ingripandets kunskapsteori

Bertil Gustafsson
Doctoral thesis

Lärande spel och Visuella Process-Instruktioner

Bertil Gustafsson, Per Ohlsson

Educational methods for teaching vocational knowledge in a virtual environmen

Bertil Gustafsson
Proceedings of IFAC:s 8th Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill and Knowledge
Paper in proceeding

Visual Process Instructions for “knowing how”

Bertil Gustafsson
Proceedings of The 35th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems – Manufacturing technology in the information age
Paper in proceeding

Rediscover the art of engineering!

Bertil Gustafsson
Proceedings of the 33rd ISR (International Symposium on Robotics)
Other conference contribution

Rediscover the art of engineering

Bertil Gustafsson
Proceedings of the 33rd ISR (International Symposium on Robotics)
Other conference contribution

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