Björn Engström

Showing 14 publications


Enhanced strut-and-tie model for reinforced concrete pile caps

Alexandre Mathern, Gautier Chantelot, Per-Ola Svahn et al
IABSE Conference, Vancouver 2017: Engineering the Future - Report. Vol. 109, p. 607-614
Paper in proceeding

Non-linear finite-element analysis of the shear response in prestressed concrete bridges

Helén Broo, Mario Plos, Karin Lundgren et al
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 61 (8), p. 591 -608
Journal article

Shear and torsion in prestressed hollow core units:finite element analyses of full-scale tests

Helén Broo, Karin Lundgren, Björn Engström
Structural Concrete. Vol. 8 (2), p. 87-100
Journal article

Simulation of shear-type cracking and failure with non-linear finite element method

Helén Broo, Mario Plos, Karin Lundgren et al
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 59 (9), p. 673-687
Journal article

Standardised information flow for connections in industrialised construction

MARIE JOHANSSON, Victor Lassl, Patrik Löfgren et al
ManuBuild 1st International Conference - The Transformation of the Industry: Open Building Manufacturing
Paper in proceeding

Reinforced and prestressed concrete beams subjected to shear and torsion

Helén Broo, Mario Plos, Karin Lundgren et al
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures. Vol. 2, p. 881-888
Paper in proceeding

Shear and torsion in hollow core slabs: How advanced modelling can be used in design

Karin Lundgren, Helén Broo, Björn Engström et al
Proceedings 18th BIBM International Congress, p. 137-138
Paper in proceeding

Shear and torsion interaction in prestressed hollow core units

Helén Broo, Karin Lundgren, Björn Engström
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 57 (9)
Journal article

Shear and torsion in hollow core slabs

Helén Broo, Karin Lundgren, Björn Engström et al
Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Meeting, p. 305-307
Paper in proceeding

Design of structural connections for precast concrete buildings

Björn Engström
Betonwerk+Fertigteil-Technik. Vol. 2, p. pp. 62-63
Paper in proceeding

Shear and torsion in hollow core slabs

Karin Lundgren, Helén Broo, Björn Engström et al
Keep concrete attractive. Vol. 1, p. 594-599
Paper in proceeding

Analyses of hollow core floors subjected to shear and torsion

Karin Lundgren, Helén Broo, Björn Engström
Structural Concrete. Vol. 5 (4), p. 161-172
Journal article

Advanced Design of Concrete Structures, CIMNE, Barcelona

Nils-Erik Wiberg, Kent Gylltoft, Björn Engström et al

Ductility of Tie Connections in Precast Structures

Björn Engström
Doctoral thesis

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