Amal Elawad

Doctoral Student at Mechatronics

Amal is a PhD student in the Mechatronics research group.

Image of Amal Elawad

Showing 3 publications


Autonomous Bus Docking for Optimal Ride Comfort of Standing Passengers

Amal Elawad, Nikolce Murgovski, Mats Jonasson et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Exodex Adam—A Reconfigurable Dexterous Haptic User Interface for the Whole Hand

Neal Y. Lii, Aaron Pereira, Julian Dietl et al
Frontiers Robotics AI. Vol. 8
Journal article

Road Boundary Modeling for Autonomous Bus Docking Subject to Rectangular Geometry Constraints

Amal Elawad, Nikolce Murgovski, Mats Jonasson et al
2021 European Control Conference, ECC 2021, p. 1745-1750
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


City bus automation - bus trains, bus stop docking and depot processes

Nikolce Murgovski Mechatronics
Amal Elawad Mechatronics
Jonas Sjöberg Mechatronics
Mats Jonasson Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Bengt J H Jacobson Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems

2 publications exist
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