Husileng Bao

Showing 12 publications


Wideband mm-wave 6 × 2 Distributed MIMO Transmitter using Sigma-Delta-over-Fiber

Husileng Bao, F. Ponzini, Christian Fager
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 42 (9), p. 3107-3117
Journal article

Wideband mm-wave Spectrum-Efficient Transmitter Using Low-Pass Sigma–Delta-Over-Fiber Architecture

Husileng Bao, Filippo Ponzini, Christian Fager
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters. Vol. 33 (10), p. 1505-1508
Journal article

Flexible Mm-Wave Sigma-Delta-Over-Fiber MIMO Link

Husileng Bao, Filippo Ponzini, Christian Fager
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 41 (14), p. 4734-4742
Journal article

Comparison of Co-located and Distributed MIMO for Indoor Wireless Communication

Christian Fager, Simon Rimborg, Emma Radahl et al
IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, RWS. Vol. 2022-January, p. 83-85
Paper in proceeding

Localization With Distributed MIMO Using a High-Speed Sigma-Delta-Over-Fiber Testbed

Furkan Keskin, Ibrahim Can Sezgin, Husileng Bao et al
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. Vol. 32 (7), p. 923-926
Journal article

Demonstration of Flexible mm-Wave Digital Beamforming Transmitter Using Sigma-Delta Radio-over-Fiber Link

Husileng Bao, Zhongxia Simon He, Filippo Ponzini et al
Other conference contribution

Demonstration of Flexible mmWave Digital Beamforming Transmitter using Sigma-Delta Radio-Over-Fiber Link

Husileng Bao, Zhongxia Simon He, Filippo Ponzini et al
2022 52nd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2022, p. 692-695
Paper in proceeding

The state of the art in beyond 5G distributed massive multiple-input multiple-output communication system solutions

E. Meyer, Dmitrii Kruglov, M. Krivic et al
Open Research Europe. Vol. 2
Review article

Design and Measurements of MSK-LFM RadCom System

Husileng Bao, Arvid Ziemann, Zhongxia Simon He
EuRAD 2020 - 2020 17th European Radar Conference, p. 9-12
Paper in proceeding

Automatic Distributed MIMO Testbed for beyond 5G Communication Experiments

Husileng Bao, Ibrahim Can Sezgin, Zhongxia Simon He et al
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. Vol. 2021-June, p. 697-700
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


MyWave - Efficient Millimetre-Wave Communications for mobile users

Roger Argaez Ramirez Microwave Electronics
Rob Maaskant Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks
Jafar Banar Communication Systems
Christian Fager Microwave Electronics
Marianna Ivashina Antennas
Dmitrii Kruglov Antennas
Husileng Bao Microwave Electronics
Artem Vilenskiy Antennas
Yingqi Zhang Antennas
Thomas Eriksson Communication Systems
European Commission (EC)

23 publications exist
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