Ingrid Skogsmo

Showing 5 publications


Lessons learned from setting up a demonstration site with autonomous shuttle operation – based on experience from three cities in Europe

Anna Anund, Ricker Ludovic, Brunella Caroleo et al
Journal of Urban Mobility. Vol. 2
Journal article

Commentary: Status of road safety in Asia

Jac Wismans, Ingrid Skogsmo, Anna Nilsson-Ehle et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17 (3), p. 217-225
Other text in scientific journal

Road safety implications and opportunities for regions under increasing motorization

Jac Wismans, Ingrid Skogsmo, Anna Nilsson-Ehle et al
17th International Conference Road Safety On Five Continents (RS5C 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17-19 May 2016
Paper in proceeding

Implications of Road Safety in National Productivity and Human Development in Asia

Jac Wismans, Ingrid Skogsmo, Anna Nilsson-Ehle et al
Other conference contribution

Implications of Road Safety in National Productivity and Human Development in Asia

Jac Wismans, Ingrid Skogsmo, Anna Nilsson-Ehle et al

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Showing 4 research projects


Seconded National Expert Connectivity and automated driving

Ingrid Skogsmo Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers (SAFER)
Region Västra Götaland
Swedish Transport Administration


Safety Causation, Benefits and Efficiency

Ingrid Skogsmo Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers (SAFER)
Marianne Andersson Vehicle Safety
Li Hagström Traffic Safety Data
Robert Thomson Vehicle Safety
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists

Priorities for Road Safety Research in Europe (PROS)

Anna Nilsson-Ehle Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers (SAFER)
Ingrid Skogsmo Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers (SAFER)
European Commission (EC)


Safe and green road vehicles (SAGE)

Ingrid Skogsmo Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers (SAFER)
European Commission (EC)

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