Lisa Lindén

Associate Professor at Science, Technology and Society

Lisa Lindén is Associate Professor in Gender and Technology at the Division of Science, Technology and Society at the Department of Technology Management and Economics. Since 2022 she is also Associate Professor in Sociology. She holds a PhD (2016) in Technology and Social Change, Linköping University.

Lindén does research about medical technologies and their relation to the gendered body. She often focuses on how medical technologies are enacted, adjusted and problematised in public arenas and in everyday healthcare. She has, for example, done research about gynaecological cancer patient organisations and their relation to new or emerging biomedical technologies, and about the introduction of the HPV vaccine for girls in Sweden.

Lindén is working within the interdisciplinary field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), and combines that with insights from gender studies and feminist theory. She has published in journals such as Science, Technology & Human Values, Qualitative Research and Sociology of Health & Illness.

She is currently the PI for the poject Implementing HPV vaccination for all children in Sweden: gender equality and sexual health among young people (FORTE, 2021-2025). She is involved in the projects The many menings of perineal injuries: care-seekers’ and care-providers’ perspectives on second-degree perineal injuries, their implications, and potential to improve care (FORTE, 2021-2024, PI Lisa Guntram) and Beyond Covid? Using patient knowledge to improve the care and management of Long Covid sufferers (FORTE, 2022-2026, PI Jesper Petersson)

Image of Lisa Lindén

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Informera eleverna om HPV inför vaccinationen

Lisa Lindén, Ylva Odenbring
Dagens Medicin (2022-10-31)
Magazine article

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