Peter Linde

Showing 14 publications


Manufacture and characterisation of a structural supercapacitor demonstrator

Sang N. Nguyen, David B. Anthony, Tomas Katafiasz et al
Composites Science and Technology. Vol. 245
Journal article

Multifunctional design, feasibility and requirements for structural power composites in future electric air taxis

Aneesa Ishfaq, Sang N. Nguyen, Emile S. Greenhalgh et al
Journal of Composite Materials. Vol. 57 (4), p. 817-828
Journal article


David B. Anthony, Emile S. Greenhalgh, Tomas Katafiasz et al
ECCM 2022 - Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials: Composites Meet Sustainability. Vol. 5, p. 253-259
Paper in proceeding

Effects of ply thickness and architecture on the strength of composite sub-structures

Carolina Furtado, Rodrigo P. Tavares, Albertino Arteiro et al
Composite Structures. Vol. 256
Journal article

A screen-printing method for manufacturing of current collectors for structural batteries

Wilhelm Johannisson, David Carlstedt, Awista Nasiri et al
Multifunctional Materials. Vol. 4 (3)
Journal article

Structural power performance targets for future electric aircraft

Elitza Karadotcheva, Sang N. Nguyen, Emile S. Greenhalgh et al
Energies. Vol. 14 (19)
Journal article

Conceptual Multifunctional Design, Feasibility and Requirements for Structural Power in Aircraft Cabins

Sang N Nguyen, Alexis Millereux, Aymeric Pouyat et al
Journal of Aircraft. Vol. 58 (3), p. 677-687
Journal article

A virtual testing based search for optimum compression after impact strength in thin laminates using ply-thickness hybridization and unsymmetrical designs

A. Sasikumar, J. Costa, D. Trias et al
Composites Science and Technology. Vol. 196
Journal article

Is there a ply thickness effect on the mode I intralaminar fracture toughness of composite laminates?

C. Furtado, A. Arteiro, Peter Linde et al
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 107
Journal article

En route to “massless energy” with structural power composites

Emile S. Greenhalgh, Leif Asp, Dan Zenkert et al
Other - Software code

Effect of ply thickness and ply level hybridization on the compression after impact strength of thin laminates

A. Sasikumar, D. Trias, J. Costa et al
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. Vol. 121, p. 232-242
Journal article

Impact and compression after impact response in thin laminates of spreadtow woven and non-crimp fabrics

A. Sasikumar, D. Trias, Josep Costa et al
Composite Structures. Vol. 215, p. 432-445
Journal article

Experimental characterization of multifunctional polymer electrolyte coated carbon fibres

Maximilian O H Schutzeichel, Thomas Kletschkowski, Peter Linde et al
Functional Composites and Structures. Vol. 1 (2)
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Structural pOweR CompositEs foR futurE civil aiRcraft (SORCERER)

Leif Asp Material and Computational Mechanics
Peter Linde Material and Computational Mechanics
European Commission (EC)

29 publications exist
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