Linda Styhre

Showing 18 publications


Importance of context when specifying transport services

Javad Ghaneimoghaddam, Dan Andersson, Linda Styhre
Research in Transportation Business and Management. Vol. 56
Journal article

Navigating unchartered waters: Overcoming barriers to low-emission fuels in Swedish maritime cargo transport

Elin Malmgren, Selma Brynolf, Linda Styhre et al
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 106
Journal article

Transport service procurement – initial findings and a research agenda

Dan Andersson, Anna Dubois, Arni Halldorsson et al
25th IPSERA Conference, Dortmund, March 20-23, 2016.
Paper in proceeding

Reducing GHG emissions from ships in a port area

Hulda Winnes, Linda Styhre, Erik Fridell
Research in Transportation Business and Management. Vol. 17, p. 73-82
Journal article

Increased energy efficiency in short sea shipping through decreased time in port

Hannes Johnson, Linda Styhre
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Vol. 71, p. 167-178
Journal article

Sea Shuttle Concept in North-Eastern Europe

Violeta Roso, Linda Styhre, Johan Woxenius et al
MarIus. Vol. European Intermodal Sustainable Transport (459), p. 237-262
Journal article

Environmental conflicts in port cities: A case study of Port Jackson and Port Botany in metropolitan Sydney

John A. Black, Linda Styhre
Proceedings of the WCTRs SIG2 2015 Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 11-12 May 2015
Paper in proceeding

Sustainability via Short Sea Shuttle Concept

Violeta Roso, Linda Styhre, Johan Woxenius et al
14th Annual International Business Conference on Sustainability Globalization and Business Education, feb 21-22, 2014, Jacksonville, Florida
Paper in proceeding

Development of the Short Sea Shuttle Concept

Linda Styhre, Violeta Roso, Rickard Bergqvist et al

Increased energy efficiency through increased port efficiency

Linda Styhre, Hannes Johnson

Energy efficient shipping – between research and implementation

Linda Styhre, Hulda Winnes
Proceedings of IAME2013 Conference, Marseille, France, 3-5 July 2013
Paper in proceeding

Purchasing of transport services: A survey among Swedish shippers

Catrin Lammgård, Dan Andersson, Linda Styhre
Proceedings of the 25th NOFOMA Conference, June 4-5 June, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Other conference contribution

Potential for improvement of feeder vessel capacity utilisation

Linda Styhre
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. Vol. 4 (59), p. 512-531
Journal article

Capacity utilisation in short sea shipping

Linda Styhre
Doctoral thesis

Strategies for capacity utilisation in RoRo shipping

Linda Styhre
Maritime Economics and Logistics. Vol. 11 (4), p. 418-437
Journal article

Vessel capacity utilisation in ferry services and the bridge substitute dilemma

Linda Styhre, Kenth Lumsden
Journal of Maritime Research. Vol. 4 (3), p. 55-66
Journal article

A systematic method for analysis of performance in intermodal transportation

Arvid Guthed, Ingar Malmgren, Linda Styhre
Challenging boundaries with logistics : proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference for Nordic Researchers in Logistics : NOFOMA 2004, 7-8 June, Linköping, Sweden / edited by Håkan Aronsson, p. 231-246
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Transport Procurement and Energy Efficent Goods Transport

Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management
Linda Styhre Logistics & Transportation
Swedish Energy Agency

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