Transport service procurement – initial findings and a research agenda
Paper in proceeding, 2016
Transport service procurement
supplier relationships
Dan Andersson
Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Service Management and Logistics
Anna Dubois
Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Supply and Operations Management
Arni Halldorsson
Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Service Management and Logistics
Kajsa Hulthén
Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Supply and Operations Management
Mats Johansson
Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Supply and Operations Management
Sara Rogerson
Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Supply and Operations Management
Viktoria Sundquist
Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Supply and Operations Management
Linda Styhre
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
25th IPSERA Conference, Dortmund, March 20-23, 2016.
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Other Mechanical Engineering
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Areas of Advance