Anna Dubois
Showing 135 publications
No concept is an island: conceptualising (in) the industrial network approach
The importance of resource interaction in strategies for managing supply chain disruptions
Relationship development patterns of university-based start-ups
Organising logistics and transport activities in construction
The transport service triad: a key unit of analysis
Solutions in business networks: Implications of an interorganizational perspective
Future goods transport in Sweden 2050: Using a Delphi-based scenario analysis
Process validation: Coping with three dilemmas in process-based single case research
Start-ups developing business relationships in the Swedish energy system
Supplier Base Dynamics. A case study of a buying firm during five decades.
Advancing the skill set of SCM graduates - an active learning approach
Variety in freight transport service procurement approaches
Systematic Combining: An approach to case research
Conceptualizing business models in industrial networks
Transport service procurement – initial findings and a research agenda
Analysing an activity in context: A case study of the conditions for vehicle maintenance
A call for broadening the range of approaches to case studies in purchasing and supply management
Purchasing and supply management and the role of supplier interfaces
Configuring transport and logistics activities in construction
Supplier development in a long-term perspective - a case study of a manufacturing firm 1964-2015
Transport as a loosely coupled system: Implications for research and practice
Managing in supply networks - connecting to suppliers' other customers
Advancing the skill set of SCM graduates – An active learning approach
Purchasing management and supplier interfaces
Systematic combining: One decade later.
Never miss a beat - Balancing acts in single case research
Triads at the interface between supply networks and logistics service networks
Järnvägen igår, idag, imorgon – hur forskning kan användas
Strategizing as networking for new ventures
Opportunism or strategic opportunity seeking? Three approaches to emerging country sourcing
Alternative business models for trucks - considering network embedded market offerings
Exploring the business model concept: In search for market innovations
Partnering med leverantörer – en outnyttjad möjlighet
"Systematic combining” – ten years later
Strategizing as networking for a new venture
Strategizing as networking for a new venture
Capturing processes in longitudinal multiple case studies
Strategizing Through Networking in Interplay with Aspired Positions
Start-ups starting up - Firms looking for a network
Linking Supply Networks and Logistics Service Networks – Towards a Triadic Framework
Supplier relationship investments: Considerations in low-cost country sourcing
Interdependence in supply chains and projects in construction
Considering investments in supplier relationships - the case of low-cost country sourcing
Developing the first customer relationships - Start-ups starting up
The initial formation of business networks: How to capture the process of strategising
Managing interfaces with suppliers
Purchasing and supply management in the construction industry
Partnering in the construction industry - Problems and opportunities
Coordinating activities in supply chains across disjunct firm boundaries
Types of interaction among academic and industry partners in boundary spanning research efforts
Analysing Dimensions and Consequences of Project Embeddedness.
Cooperating and competing in supply networks: Making sense of a triadic sourcing strategy
Case Research in Purchasing and Supply Management: Opportunities and Challenges
Conceptualising Project Embeddedness for Inter-Organisational Research Projects
The Winding Road Ahead: A Reply
Activities and the Organising of Industrial Networks
Supply Network Consequences of Sourcing in Low Cost Countries
Standards as a Co-ordination Mechanism in Construction
The Relationship between Technical and Organisational Interfaces in Product Development
Co-operating and competing in supply networks: Making sense of a triadic sourcing strategy
Resource Development and Use Across Project Boundaries
The Mattsson Legacy the creation of and interaction with a scientific object
Organising research interaction: A case study of a research project in bioinformatics
Developing the supply base by changing supplier relations
Inter-organisational research in the Nordic countries
Supply chains and interdependence: a theoretical analysis
Research methods in industrial marketing studies
Strategic Cost Management across Boundaries of Firms
Resource Interdependence in Supply Chains
Change and Continuity in the Supplier Base: A Case Study of a Manufacturing Firm 1964-2002
Interdependence within and among 'Supply Chains'
The Multiple Boundaries of the Firm
Organizing activities in industrial networks: The case of Volvo S80
Towards a Network Theory of the Firm
Resource Development and Interaction - The Function of Partial Connections
Technical Development in Networks - The importance of third parties
Organisering av aktiviteter i industriella nätverk - Fallet Volvo S80
Cost and Costdrivers in Purchasing - A Case Study of MRO-Procurement
Systematic Combining - An abductive approach to case research
Understanding Interaction and Resource Development
Conceptualizing Business Relationships
Why Relationships do not Fit into Purchasing Portfolio Models
Managing Interfaces with Suppliers
The Multiple Boundaries of the Firm
The Mattsson Legacy - Learning from long-term research interaction
Organising Activities in Industrial Networks - The case of Volvo S80
Why Partners do not Fit into Purchasing Portfolio Models
Why Partners do not Fit into Purchasing Portfolio Models
Managing interdependencies in buyer-supplier partnerships
Developments in Distribution Networks - A framework for understanding variety
Supply Strategy and Networks Effects - Purchasing behaviour in the construction industry
Managing Interfaces with Suppliers
Case Studies in Business Market Research - An abductive approach
Activity Structures in Distribution - A framework for analysing efficiency
A Networks Approach to Industrial Dynamics - Identifying two objects and two forms of organising
The Boundaries of the Firm as Relational Interfaces
Adjustments and Division of Labour in the Construction Industry
Information Technology and Distribution Strategy
Relationships as Activity Links
Coordinating, Combining, Connecting - The impact of governance form
Activity Coordination and Relational Governance
Overlapping Control Boundaries in Industrial Networks
Inter-functional Co-ordination in a Network Context
Firms as Activity Based Network Entities - Economic consequences of activity structures
Distribution networks - An activity based approach
Boundaries within Activity Structures
Relationships as Activity Links
Activity Links and Innovations - Value creation within networks
Changing activity structures - A new view of make-or-buy-decisions
Changing Purchasing Behaviour in a Long Time Perspective
From component purchasing to system purchasing
Sourcing strategy during a quarter of a century
Information technology and distribution strategy
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Showing 6 research projects
New conditions for optimized freight transport solutions
Interactions and role development in the geofence network
Efficient Maintenance for Sustaninable Transport Solutions (EMATS)
Effektiv arbetsfördelning i byggnätverket