Kajsa Hulthén

Professor at Supply and Operations Management

Kajsa Hulthén is Professor at the Division of Supply and Operations Management and Co-director of Area of Advance Transport. Her research deals with structural and dynamic aspects of distribution networks. She is involved in the Transport Procurement Panel, which aims to map how Swedish firms buy transport services. She is also involved in projects dealing with sustainability issues in distribution networks and how increased efficiency can be reached by changes in division of labor in distribution networks.

Kajsa is examiner and main lecturer in two courses; Industrial marketing at the bachelor level and Customer relationships at the master level. She also supervises doctoral students.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Kajsa Hulthén

Showing 69 publications


Transportation as a loosely coupled system: a fundamental challenge for sustainable freight transportation

Michael Browne, Anna Dubois, Kajsa Hulthén
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Vol. 17 (7), p. 804-814
Journal article

Transport in supply networks

Victor Eriksson, Anna Dubois, Kajsa Hulthén
International Journal of Logistics Management. Vol. 33 (5), p. 85-106
Journal article

Consolidation through resourcing in last-mile logistics

Johan Hagberg, Kajsa Hulthén
Research in Transportation Business and Management. Vol. 45
Journal article

Disembedding air from e-commerce parcels: A joint challenge for supply chain actors

Sandra Brüel Grönberg, Kajsa Hulthén
Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 107, p. 396-406
Journal article

E-commerce packaging as an embedded resource in three network settings

Sandra Brüel Grönberg, Kajsa Hulthén
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. Vol. 32 (4), p. 450-467
Journal article

Improving transport performance in supply networks: effects of (non)overlapping network horizons

Victor Eriksson, Kajsa Hulthén, Ann-Charlott Pedersen
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol. 36 (10), p. 1767-1779
Journal article

The role of public actors in construction logistics: effects on and of relational interfaces

Victor Eriksson, Kajsa Hulthén, Viktoria Sundquist et al
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 39 (10), p. 791-806
Journal article

Organising logistics and transport activities in construction

Anna Dubois, Kajsa Hulthén, Viktoria Sundquist
International Journal of Logistics Management. Vol. 30 (2), p. 620-640
Journal article

Construction logistics innovation: tracing connectivity from activity interdependencies

Kajsa Hulthén, Viktoria Sundquist
The connectivity of innovation in the construction industry , p. 68-93
Book chapter

The transport service triad: a key unit of analysis

Dan Andersson, Anna Dubois, Victor Eriksson et al
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol. 34 (1), p. 253-266
Journal article

Transport efficiency in supply networks: The impact of network horizons and network contexts

Victor Eriksson, Kajsa Hulthén, Ann-Charlott Pedersen
Other conference contribution

Smart Construction logistics

Michael Berden, Anna Fredriksson, Mats Janné et al

From project partnering towards strategic supplier partnering

Viktoria Sundquist, Kajsa Hulthén, Lars-Erik Gadde
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. Vol. 25 (3), p. 358-373
Journal article

Reorganizing construction logistics for improved performance

Viktoria Sundquist, Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 36 (1), p. 49-65
Journal article

Logistikens roll i effektiva byggprocesser

Kajsa Hulthén, Viktoria Sundquist, Lars-Erik Gadde et al
Report - The Swedish Construction Federation

Wroe Alderson, IMP and the evolution of theory

Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén
The IMP Journal. Vol. 10 (3), p. 390-408
Journal article

Transport service procurement – initial findings and a research agenda

Dan Andersson, Anna Dubois, Arni Halldorsson et al
25th IPSERA Conference, Dortmund, March 20-23, 2016.
Paper in proceeding

Configuring transport and logistics activities in construction

Anna Dubois, Kajsa Hulthén, Viktoria Sundquist
Other conference contribution

Renewal in construction projects: tracing effects of client requirements

Malena Havenvid Ingemansson, Kajsa Hulthén, Åse Linné et al
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 34 (11), p. 790-807
Journal article

Transport as a loosely coupled system: Implications for research and practice

Anna Dubois, Kajsa Hulthén
Paper presented at the World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Shanghai
Other conference contribution

Organising construction logistics: a case of network re-orientation

Viktoria Sundquist, Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén
Proceedings of the 31st IMP Conference, Kolding, August 27-29
Paper in proceeding

Wroe Alderson and IMP - some reflections on the evolution of theory

Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén
Paper presented at the IMP symposium workshop 3, Lugano, 6-8 October
Paper in proceeding

Economic consequences of alternative make-or-buy configurations

Viktoria Sundquist, Kajsa Hulthén, Lars-Erik Gadde
Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 46, p. 98-107
Journal article

New ways of organising construction due to user demands

M. I. Havenvid, Kajsa Hulthén, Å Linné et al
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2015, Lincoln, United Kingdom, 7-9 September 2015, p. 1105-1114
Paper in proceeding

Trade-offs in Supply Chain Transparency: The Case of Nudie Jeans Co

Niklas Egels-Zandén, Kajsa Hulthén, Gabriella Wulff
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 107, p. 95-104
Journal article

Triads at the interface between supply networks and logistics service networks

Dan Andersson, Anna Dubois, Anne-Maria Holma et al
Presented at the 8th Nordic Workshop on Relationships Dynamics, Oslo, Norway, October 15-17.
Paper in proceeding

‘Footprints of strategy’ - Investigating purchasing strategies in a longitudinal case

Kajsa Hulthén, Tim Torvatn
The IMP Journal. Vol. 8 (3), p. 120-132
Journal article

Opportunism or strategic opportunity seeking? Three approaches to emerging country sourcing

Nojan Najafi, Anna Dubois, Kajsa Hulthén
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. Vol. 19 (1), p. 49-57
Journal article

The changing role of middlemen – strategic responses to distribution dynamics

Robert Olsson, Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén
Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 42 (7), p. 1131-1140
Journal article

The changing role of middlemen – strategic responses to distribution dynamics

Robert Olsson, Kajsa Hulthén, Lars-Erik Gadde
Proceedings of the 28th IMP Conference, Rome, September 13-15 2012
Paper in proceeding

Exploring and exploiting business networks with the logic of effectuation

Kajsa Hulthén, Tim Torvatn
Paper presented at the 22nd Nordic workshop on Interorganisational research, Trondheim, August 16-18 2012
Other conference contribution

Repositioning in supply networks – implementing supplier partnering in the construction industry

Viktoria Sundquist, Kajsa Hulthén, Lars-Erik Gadde
Proceedings of the 28th IMP Conference, Rome, September 13-15 2012
Paper in proceeding

Comments on "Managing resource interaction as a means to cope with technological change"

Kajsa Hulthén
Journal of Business Research. Vol. 65 (2), p. 196-197
Other text in scientific journal

Features of Alternative Forms of Intermediation – A Case from the Construction Industry

Viktoria Sundquist, Kajsa Hulthén, Lars-Erik Gadde
27th IMP Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, September 1-3.
Paper in proceeding

Linking Supply Networks and Logistics Service Networks – Towards a Triadic Framework

Dan Andersson, Anna Dubois, Anne-Maria Holma et al
In the Proceedings of the 27th IMP conference, Glasgow, August 31-September 3
Paper in proceeding

The development of functions in distribution networks - the case of a mobile telephone middleman

Robert Olsson, Kajsa Hulthén
Proceedings of the 27th IMP Conference, Glasgow, September 1-3
Paper in proceeding

Distribution network dynamics: Evolution in the PC industry

Kajsa Hulthén, Lars-Gunnar Mattsson
IMP Journal. Vol. 7 (3), p. 170-193
Journal article

Supplier relationship investments: Considerations in low-cost country sourcing

Nojan Najafi, Kajsa Hulthén, Anna Dubois
19th IPSERA Conference, Lappeenranta, Finland, May 16-19
Paper in proceeding

Understanding the ‘new’ distribution reality through ‘old’ concepts: a renaissance for transvection and sorting

Kajsa Hulthén, Lars-Erik Gadde
In Ellis, N., Tadajewski, M. and Pressey. A. (eds.) Business-to-Business Marketing, Vol. II. London: Sage Publications. Vol. II
Book chapter

Changing Roles of an Intermediary Actor: an illustration from a distributor of mobile phones

Robert Olsson, Kajsa Hulthén
Paper presented at the 2nd Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference, Gothenburg
Paper in proceeding

Product Recovery in Networks

Igor Insanic, Kajsa Hulthén, Lars-Erik Gadde
26th IMP Conference, Budapest, Hungary September 2-4
Paper in proceeding

Distribution Networks – Challenges and Opportunities

Kajsa Hulthén, Lars-Erik Gadde
Proceedings of the 25th IMP Conference, Marseille, September 3-5
Paper in proceeding

Improving logistics outsourcing through increasing buyer-provider interaction.

Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén
Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 38, p. 633-640
Journal article

Matching technology of use and technology of produce - challenges and opportunities in the textile industry.

Viktoria Sundquist, Kajsa Hulthén
Paper presented at the 19th Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research, Jönköping August 12-14.
Other conference contribution

Logistics outsourcing and the role of logistics service providers from an industrial network perspective

Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén
Proceedings of the 24th IMP-Conference, Uppsala university, September 4-6
Paper in proceeding

From Channel Management to Managing in Distribution Network Relationships

Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén
In Wirtz, B. (Ed.) Handbuch Multi-Channel-Marketing, Wiesbaden, Gabler Verlag, p. pp. 297-322
Book chapter

Understanding the ‘new’ distribution reality through ‘old’ concepts – a renaissance for transvection and sorting

Kajsa Hulthén, Lars-Erik Gadde
Marketing Theory 2007, 7: 184-207 (2007, 7), p. 184-207
Journal article

Economizing in differentiated distribution networks: A transvection approach.

Kajsa Hulthén
European Business Review, 19(6), pp. 508-523.
Journal article

Activities and the Organising of Industrial Networks

Anna Dubois, Kajsa Hulthén
In proceedings of the 2nd IMP Journal Seminar, Gothenburg, May 18-20.
Paper in proceeding

Inter-organisational research in the Nordic countries

Anna Dubois, Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén
Journal of Business Research. Vol. 58, p. 1223-1225
Journal article

Supply chains and interdependence: a theoretical analysis

Anna Dubois, Kajsa Hulthén, Ann-Charlott Pedersen
Journal of Purchasing and Supply management. Vol. 10 (1), p. 3-9
Journal article

Supply Network Flexibility

Anna Dubois, Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén et al
Proceedings of the 20th IMP Conference, Copenhagen, September 2-4
Paper in proceeding

Distribution Networks as Crossing Transvections

Kajsa Hulthén
Paper presented at the 13th Workshop on Interorganisational Research, Helsingfors August 15-17
Other conference contribution

Resource Interdependence in Supply Chains

Viktoria Sundquist, Anna Dubois, Lars-Erik Gadde et al
Proceedings of the 19th IMP Conference, Lugano, September 4-6
Paper in proceeding

Aldersonian Sorting: An 'old' concept for a 'new' reality

Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén
Proceedings of the 19th IMP Conference, Lugano, September 4-6.
Paper in proceeding

Interdependence within and among 'Supply Chains'

Anna Dubois, Kajsa Hulthén, Ann-Charlott Pedersen
Proceedings of the 12th International IPSERA Conference, Budapest, April 14-16.
Paper in proceeding

Variety in Distribution Networks: A Transvection Analysis

Kajsa Hulthén
Doctoral thesis

An Extended Perspective on Distribution

Kajsa Hulthén
Paper presented at the 11th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, Gothenburg, August 17-19
Other conference contribution

Transvection Analysis - A reverse perspective on distribution

Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén, Ivan Snehota
Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, May 24-26
Paper in proceeding

Developments in Distribution Networks - A framework for understanding variety

Kajsa Hulthén, Anna Dubois, Lars-Erik Gadde
Proceedings of the 16th IMP Conference, University of Bath, September 7-9
Paper in proceeding

Standardisation and Customisation in Construction - Alternative activity structures in production and distribution

Lars-Erik Gadde, Kajsa Hulthén, Jens Laage-Hellman
Paper presented at the 10th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, Trondheim August 18-20
Other conference contribution

Changing Division of Work in Distribution - Effects of activity dependencies

Kajsa Hulthén
In McLoughlin, D. and Horan, C. (eds) Proceedings of the 15th Annual IMP Conference, University College Dublin, September
Paper in proceeding

Distribution Restructuring - Alternative perspectives needed

Kajsa Hulthén
Paper presented at the 9th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, University of Vaasa, August
Other conference contribution

Changing Distribution through Relationships

Kajsa Hulthén
Licentiate thesis

Adjustments and Division of Labour in the Construction Industry

Anna Dubois, Kent Eklöv, Lars-Erik Gadde et al
Paper presented at the 8th Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research, Århus August 19-21
Other conference contribution

Establishing a Business Relationship - Intended vs realized effects

Kajsa Hulthén
In Mazet, F., Salle, R. and Valla, J-P. (eds) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Marketing and Purchasing, Groupe ESC Lyon, September
Paper in proceeding

Introducing Intermediaries in a Direct Channel - A network approach

Kajsa Hulthén
Paper presented at the 4th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, Turkku
Other conference contribution

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Showing 14 research projects


Collaborative supply chain reconfigurations in the transforming Swedish retail context

Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management
Johan Hagberg Unknown organization
University of Gothenburg


Affärsrelationers och nätverks betydelse för utveckling och implementering av hållbara förpackningslösningar i detaljhandeln

Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management
Hakon Swenson stiftelsen


Reducing a firm's climate impact from transport by half - what adaptations and collaborations make it possible?

Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management
Luciana Alcantara Supply and Operations Management
Anna Dubois Supply and Operations Management
Swedish Transport Administration


Nya affärsmodeller för transportsystemets omställning i samspel mellan ny teknologi och förändrade kundbehov

Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management
Elof Hansson Foundation


Förpackningars roll för en mer hållbar och effektiv varudistribution inom Sverige

Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management
The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council


Transformation of transport systems facilitated by changed purchasing behaviour

Dan Andersson Service Management and Logistics
Viktoria Sundquist Construction Management
Jan Ysbrand Finn Wynstra Supply and Operations Management
Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management


Minimizing impact of construction material flows in cities: Innovative Co-Creation (MIMIC)

Monica Billger Architectural theory and methods
Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management
Victor Eriksson Supply and Operations Management
Karl Bergström Architectural theory and methods

2 publications exist

Retail shopping and the last mile transport: past, present and future transformations

Per Lundin Science, Technology and Society
Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management

6 publications exist

Transport Procurement and Energy Efficent Goods Transport

Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management
Linda Styhre Logistics & Transportation
Swedish Energy Agency


CIVIC - Construction In Vicinities: Innovative Co-creation

Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management

1 publication exists

Energy efficient freight – methods, actions and evaluation tools in logistics

Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management
Victor Eriksson Supply and Operations Management
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

The role of logistics in efficient construction processes

Kajsa Hulthén Supply and Operations Management
Viktoria Sundquist Construction Management
Lars-Erik Gadde Supply and Operations Management
Victor Eriksson Supply and Operations Management
Swedish Construction Federation

2 publications exist

Implementering av ny lastbärare i ett befintligt tekniskt system

Kajsa Hulthén Industrial Marketing
Dan Andersson Logistics & Transportation
Lars Medbo Supply and Operations Management


Effektiv arbetsfördelning i byggnätverket

Kajsa Hulthén Industrial Marketing
Lars-Erik Gadde Industrial Marketing
Hans Björnsson Industrial Marketing
Viktoria Sundquist Industrial Marketing
Anna Dubois Industrial Marketing
Swedish Construction Federation

1 publication exists
There might be more projects where Kajsa Hulthén participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.