Kajsa Hulthén
Kajsa Hulthén är biträdande professor vid avdelningen Supply and Operations Management och vice styrkeområdesledare för Styrkeområde Transport. Hennes forskning handlar om strukturella och dynamiska aspekter av distributionsnätverk. Hon är inblandad i arbetet kring Transportinköpspanelen som kartlägger företags transportinköpsbeteende. Hon är även inblandad i projekt som handlar om hållbara distributions- och logistiknätverk samt hur ökad effektivitet kan åstadkommas genom förändring av arbetsfördelning.
Kajsa är examinator och huvudlärare i två kurser; Industriell marknadsföring på kandidatnivå och Customer Relationships på masternivå. Hon handleder också doktorander.

Visar 69 publikationer
Consolidation through resourcing in last-mile logistics
Disembedding air from e-commerce parcels: A joint challenge for supply chain actors
E-commerce packaging as an embedded resource in three network settings
Improving transport performance in supply networks: effects of (non)overlapping network horizons
The role of public actors in construction logistics: effects on and of relational interfaces
Construction logistics innovation: tracing connectivity from activity interdependencies
Organising logistics and transport activities in construction
The transport service triad: a key unit of analysis
Transport efficiency in supply networks: The impact of network horizons and network contexts
From project partnering towards strategic supplier partnering
Reorganizing construction logistics for improved performance
Logistikens roll i effektiva byggprocesser
Wroe Alderson, IMP and the evolution of theory
Transport service procurement – initial findings and a research agenda
Renewal in construction projects: tracing effects of client requirements
Configuring transport and logistics activities in construction
Transport as a loosely coupled system: Implications for research and practice
Organising construction logistics: a case of network re-orientation
Wroe Alderson and IMP - some reflections on the evolution of theory
Economic consequences of alternative make-or-buy configurations
New ways of organising construction due to user demands
Trade-offs in Supply Chain Transparency: The Case of Nudie Jeans Co
Triads at the interface between supply networks and logistics service networks
‘Footprints of strategy’ - Investigating purchasing strategies in a longitudinal case
Opportunism or strategic opportunity seeking? Three approaches to emerging country sourcing
The changing role of middlemen – strategic responses to distribution dynamics
The changing role of middlemen – strategic responses to distribution dynamics
Repositioning in supply networks – implementing supplier partnering in the construction industry
Exploring and exploiting business networks with the logic of effectuation
Comments on "Managing resource interaction as a means to cope with technological change"
The development of functions in distribution networks - the case of a mobile telephone middleman
Features of Alternative Forms of Intermediation – A Case from the Construction Industry
Linking Supply Networks and Logistics Service Networks – Towards a Triadic Framework
Supplier relationship investments: Considerations in low-cost country sourcing
Distribution network dynamics: Evolution in the PC industry
Changing Roles of an Intermediary Actor: an illustration from a distributor of mobile phones
Distribution Networks – Challenges and Opportunities
Improving logistics outsourcing through increasing buyer-provider interaction.
From Channel Management to Managing in Distribution Network Relationships
Economizing in differentiated distribution networks: A transvection approach.
Activities and the Organising of Industrial Networks
Inter-organisational research in the Nordic countries
Supply chains and interdependence: a theoretical analysis
Distribution Networks as Crossing Transvections
Resource Interdependence in Supply Chains
Aldersonian Sorting: An 'old' concept for a 'new' reality
Interdependence within and among 'Supply Chains'
An Extended Perspective on Distribution
Developments in Distribution Networks - A framework for understanding variety
Transvection Analysis - A reverse perspective on distribution
Distribution Restructuring - Alternative perspectives needed
Changing Division of Work in Distribution - Effects of activity dependencies
Adjustments and Division of Labour in the Construction Industry
Establishing a Business Relationship - Intended vs realized effects
Introducing Intermediaries in a Direct Channel - A network approach
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Visar 14 forskningsprojekt
Rekonfigurering av leveranskedjor genom samverkansbaserade projekt inom den svenska detaljhandeln
Förpackningars roll för en mer hållbar och effektiv varudistribution inom Sverige
Transformering av transportsystem genom ändrat inköpsbeteende
Minimizing impact of construction material flows in cities: Innovative Co-Creation (MIMIC)
Retail shopping and the last mile transport: past, present and future transformations
Transportinköp och energieffektiva godstransporter
CIVIC - Construction In Vicinities: Innovative Co-creation
Logistikens roll i effektiva byggprocesser: konsekvenser för kostnader, kvalitet och hållbarhet
Implementering av ny lastbärare i ett befintligt tekniskt system
Effektiv arbetsfördelning i byggnätverket