Matilda Palm

Showing 24 publications


Access mapping highlights risks from land reform in upland Myanmar

Laura Kmoch, Matilda Palm, Martin Persson et al
Journal of Land Use Science. Vol. 16 (1), p. 34-54
Journal article

Cyclone Komen’s aftermath: Local knowledge shows how poverty and inequalities fuel climate risk in western Myanmar

Laura Kmoch, Matilda Palm, Martin Persson et al
Regional Environmental Change. Vol. 21 (4)
Journal article

What Awaits Myanmar's Uplands Farmers? Lessons Learned from Mainland Southeast Asia

Martin Rudbeck Jepsen, Matilda Palm, Thilde Bech Bruun
Land. Vol. 8 (2)
Journal article

Using Local Agroecological Knowledge in Climate Change Adaptation: A Study of Tree-Based Options in Northern Morocco

Tim Pagella, Matilda Palm, Laura Kmoch et al
Sustainability. Vol. 10 (10)
Journal article

Upland Livelihoods between Local Land and Global Labour Market Dependencies: Evidence from Northern Chin State, Myanmar

Laura Kmoch, Matilda Palm, Martin Persson et al
Sustainability. Vol. 10 (10)
Journal article

Contributions of paraecologists and parataxonomists to research, conservation, and social development

Ute Schmiedel, Yoseph Araya, Maria Ieda Bortolotto et al
Conservation Biology. Vol. 30 (3), p. 506-519
Journal article

Solid biofuels production from energy crops in Colombia: challenges and opportunities

E. A. M. Londono, J. E. C. Barriga, Matilda Palm
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Vol. 10 (4), p. 359-368
Journal article

Trees in home gardens: Making the most of an age-old practice to improve food security and nutrition.

Marion Davis, Ekaterina Bessonova, Jenny Friman et al
Stockholm Environment Institute: Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) and Forest, Climate & Livelihood Research Network (Focali), “Forests, Landscapes and Food Security” theme brief, p. 4-
Magazine article

Cultivating resilient landscapes – opportunities for restoring degraded and vulnerable land with agroforestry systems

Matilda Palm, Eskil Mattsson
3rd World Congress of Agroforestry, New Delhi, India, p. 452-
Other conference contribution

Sharing the Land: Restoring Degraded Ecosystems and Improving Livelihoods Through Agroforestry

Marion Davis, Matilda Palm, Eskil Mattsson et al
Stockholm Environment Institute: Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) and Forest, Climate & Livelihood Research Network (Focali), “Forests, Landscapes and Food Security” theme brief, p. 4-
Magazine article

Can Carbon Finance Take Small-scale Agroforestry to The Next Level?

Eskil Mattsson, Matilda Palm, Marion Davis

Cultivating resilient landscapes - opportunities for restoring degraded and vulnerable lands with agroforestry systems

Matilda Palm, Eskil Mattsson
Proceedings of the Global Land Project 2nd Open Science Meeting, Berlin, March 19-21, 2014, p. 528-
Paper in proceeding

Producing Feedstock for Biofuels: Land-Use and Local Environmental Impacts

Oskar Englund, Göran Berndes, Lina Lundgren et al

Sustainability criteria for land use activities in the carbon market

Sabine Henders, Matilda Palm, Oskar Englund

Barriers to plantation activities in different agro-ecological zones of Southern India

Matilda Palm, Madelene Ostwald, I. K. Murthy et al
Regional Environmental Change. Vol. 11 (2), p. 423-435
Journal article

Application of Clean Development Mechanism to forest plantation projects and rural development in India

Matilda Palm, Madelene Ostwald, Göran Berndes et al
Applied Geography. Vol. 29 (1), p. 2-11
Journal article

Land use and forestry based CDM in scientific peer-reviewed literature pre-and post-COP 9 in Milan.

Matilda Palm, Madelene Ostwald, J Reilly
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics. Vol. 8, p. 249-274
Journal article

Multifunctional biomass production systems – an overview with presentation of specific applications in India and Sweden.

Göran Berndes, Pål Börjesson, Madelene Ostwald et al
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Vol. 2 (1), p. 16-25
Journal article

Recovery and protection of coastal ecosystems after tsunami event and potential for participatory forestry CDM - examples from Sri Lanka

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, Björn Holmer et al
Ocean & Coastal Management. Vol. 52 (1), p. 1-9
Journal article

Rätt kompensation stoppar tropisk avskogning

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, Matilda Palm
Miljöaktuellt. Vol. 34 (9)
Magazine article

Tropisk avskogning måste lösas globalt

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, Matilda Palm
Göteborgsposten (12 dec 2007)
Magazine article

Nya åtgärder mot tropisk avskogning

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, Matilda Palm
Miljömagasinet 28 sep 2007 (39), p. 2-
Magazine article

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Showing 1 research projects


Land-use dynamics and rural change in upland Myanmar

Laura Kmoch Physical Resource Theory
Matilda Palm Physical Resource Theory
Martin Persson Physical Resource Theory

5 publications exist
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