Hoang Ngoan Le

Postdoc at Chemistry and Biochemistry

Hoang-Ngoan LE joined Wilhelmsson’s research group as a postdoc in 2021. His research focuses on RNA and drug delivery, specializing in label and probe design, synthesis, and characterization. He aims to develop advanced fluorescent labels and probes to visualize RNA in in vitro, living cells and organs. Hoang-Ngoan also synthesizes natural and modified RNA sequences for next-generation drug delivery studies. His research is a part of the FoRmulaEx program, which aims at facilitating the use of RNA as therapeutic drugs.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 2 publications


Synthesis and photophysical characterization of a pH-sensitive quadracyclic uridine (qU) analogue

Hoang Ngoan Le, Jagannath Kuchlyan, Tom Baladi et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 30 (18)
Journal article

Intermolecular dark resonance energy transfer (DRET): Upgrading fluorogenic DNA sensing

Guillaume Barnoin, Janah Shaya, Ludovic Richert et al
Nucleic Acids Research. Vol. 49 (12)
Journal article

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