Anna Pekkari

Showing 6 publications


Synthesis of highly monodisperse Pd nanoparticles using a binary surfactant combination and sodium oleate as a reductant

Anna Pekkari, Xin Wen, Jessica Orrego Hernandez et al
Nanoscale Advances. Vol. 3 (9), p. 2481-2487
Journal article

Microwave-heated γ-Alumina Applied to the Reduction of Aldehydes to Alcohols

Bhausaheb Kashinath Dhokale, Arturo Susarrey- Arce, Anna Pekkari et al
ChemCatChem. Vol. 12 (24), p. 6344-6355
Journal article

Continuous Microfluidic Synthesis of Pd Nanocubes and PdPt Core–Shell Nanoparticles and Their Catalysis of NO2 Reduction

Anna Pekkari, Zafer Say, Arturo Susarrey- Arce et al
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Vol. 11 (39), p. 36196-36204
Journal article

Synthesis of Cu Nanoparticles: Stability and Conversion into Cu2S Nanoparticles by Decomposition of Alkanethiolate

Christian Rohner, Anna Pekkari, Hanna Härelind Ingelsten et al
Langmuir. Vol. 33 (46), p. 13272-13276
Journal article

Guided selective deposition of nanoparticles by tuning of the surface potential

Johnas Eklöf, Alicja Stolas, M. Herzberg et al
Europhysics Letters. Vol. 119 (1)
Journal article

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