Petter Törnberg

Showing 16 publications


White supremacists anonymous: how digital media emotionally energize far-right movements

Anton Törnberg, Petter Törnberg
Journal of Information Technology and Politics. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Modeling the emergence of affective polarization in the social media society

Petter Törnberg, Claes Andersson, Kristian Lindgren et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 16 (10 October)
Journal article

The Twitter parliamentarian database: Analyzing Twitter politics across 26 countries

Livia van Vliet, Petter Törnberg, Justus Uitermark
PLoS ONE. Vol. 15 (9)
Journal article

Toward a Macroevolutionary Theory of Human Evolution: The Social Protocell

Claes Andersson, Petter Törnberg
Biological Theory. Vol. 14, p. 86-102
Journal article

Wickedness and the anatomy of complexity

Claes Andersson, Petter Törnberg
Futures. Vol. 95, p. 118-138
Journal article

Modelling free social spaces and the diffusion of social mobilization

Anton Törnberg, Petter Törnberg
Social Movement Studies. Vol. 16 (2), p. 182-202
Journal article

Worse than Complex

Petter Törnberg
Doctoral thesis

Muslims in social media discourse: Combining topic modeling and critical discourse analysis

Anton Törnberg, Petter Törnberg
Discourse, Context and Media. Vol. 13 (September 2016), p. 132-142
Journal article

Combining CDA and topic modeling: Analyzing discursive connections between Islamophobia and anti-feminism on an online forum

Anton Törnberg, Petter Törnberg
Discourse and Society. Vol. 27 (4), p. 401-422
Journal article

Innovation in Complex Adaptive Systems

Petter Törnberg
Licentiate thesis

Societal Systems - Complex or worse?

Claes Andersson, Anton Törnberg, Petter Törnberg
Futures. Vol. 63, p. 145-157
Journal article

An evolutionary developmental approach to cultural evolution

Claes Andersson, Anton Törnberg, Petter Törnberg
Current Anthropology. Vol. 55 (2), p. 154-174
Journal article

Developing of the future: scaffolded Darwinism in societal evolution

Claes Andersson, Anton Törnberg, Petter Törnberg
Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Vol. 37 (4), p. 417-418
Review article

Using Complexity Theory Methods for Sociological Theory Development.

Petter Törnberg, Anton Törnberg

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