Claes Tingvall

Showing 29 publications


Vision Zero and Impaired Driving: Near and Longer-Term Opportunities for Preventing Death and Injuries

Anders Lie, Claes Tingvall, Jeffrey P. Michael et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 194
Journal article

Are crash causation studies the best way to understand system failures – Who can we blame?

Anders Lie, Claes Tingvall
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 196
Journal article


Matteo Rizzi, Ola Boström, Rikard Fredriksson et al
27th ESV Conference Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Effects on crash risk of automatic emergency braking systems for pedestrians and bicyclists

Anders Kullgren, Khabat Amin, Claes Tingvall
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 24, p. S111-S115
Journal article

Fatalities in value chains—an attempt to classify road traffic crashes in accordance with the United Nations General Assembly resolution 74/299

Anders Kullgren, H. Stigson, Matteo Rizzi et al
Traffic Safety Research. Vol. 5 (Special issue)
Journal article

Automated vehicles: How do they relate to vision zero

Anders Lie, Claes Tingvall, Maria Håkansson et al
The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy, p. 1057-1071
Book chapter

The vision zero handbook: Theory, technology and management for a zero casualty policy

Karin Edvardsson Björnberg, Sven Ove Hansson, Matts Åke Belin et al
Edited book

Vision zero in disease eradication

Mark Rosenberg, Emaline Laney, Claes Tingvall
The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy, p. 1165-1193
Book chapter

Saving lives beyond 2020: The next steps

Claes Tingvall, Jeffrey P. Michael, Peter Larsson et al
The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy, p. 789-839
Book chapter

Vision zero: How it all started

Claes Tingvall
The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy, p. 245-266
Book chapter

ISO 39001 road traffic safety management system, performance recording, and reporting

Anders Lie, Claes Tingvall
The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy, p. 675-686
Book chapter

Current trends in traffic safety—the need for crossing the borders of disciplines

Claes Tingvall
Traffic Safety Research. Vol. 1
Other text in scientific journal

The Concept of “Acceptable Risk” Applied to Road Safety Risk Level

Claes Tingvall, Anders Lie
International Encyclopedia of Transportation: Volume 1-7. Vol. 2, p. 2-5
Book chapter

The effectiveness of lane departure warning systems—A reduction in real-world passenger car injury crashes

Simon Sternlund, Johan Strandroth, Matteo Rizzi et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 18 (2), p. 225-229
Journal article

The combined effect of vehicle frontal design, speed reduction, autonomous emergency braking and helmet use in reducing real life bicycle injuries

Maria Ohlin, Johan Strandroth, Claes Tingvall
Safety Science. Vol. 92, p. 338-344
Journal article

Does the improved stability offered by motorcycle antilock brakes (ABS) make sliding crashes less common? In-depth analysis of fatal crashes involving motorcycles fitted with ABS

Matteo Rizzi, Johan Strandroth, Jan Holst et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17 (6), p. 625-632
Journal article

The combined benefits of motorcycle antilock braking systems (ABS) in preventing crashes and reducing crash severity

Matteo Rizzi, Anders Kullgren, Claes Tingvall
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17 (3), p. 297-303
Journal article

Effectiveness of Motorcycle Antilock Braking Systems (ABS) in Reducing Crashes, the First Cross-National Study

Matteo Rizzi, Johan Strandroth, Anders Kullgren et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 16 (2), p. 177-183
Journal article

Correlation between Euro NCAP Pedestrian Test Results and Injury Severity in Injury Crashes with Pedestrians and Bicyclists in Sweden

Johan Strandroth, Simon Sternlund, Anders Lie et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2014-November (November)
Journal article

Carrots, sticks and sermons: State policy tools for influencing adoption and acceptance of new vehicle safety systems

M.-A. Belin, E. Vedung, K. Meleckidzedeck et al
Driver Acceptance of New Technology: Theory, Measurement and Optimisation, p. 241-250
Book chapter

Injury crash reduction of low-speed Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) on passenger cars

Matteo Rizzi, Anders Kullgren, Claes Tingvall
International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury Conference, IRCOBI 2014; Berlin; Germany; 10 September 2014 through 12 September 2014, p. 656-665
Paper in proceeding

The consequences of adopting a MAIS 3 injury target for road safety in the EU: A comparison with targets based on fatalities and long-term consequences

Claes Tingvall, J. Ifver, M. Krafft et al
International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury Conference, IRCOBI 2013, p. 1-11
Paper in proceeding

A New Method to Evaluate Future Impact of Vehicle Safety Technology in Sweden

Johan Strandroth, Simon Sternlund, Claes Tingvall et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2012-October (October)
Journal article

The effects of studded tires on fatal crashes with passenger cars and the benefits of electronic stability control (ESC) in Swedish winter driving

Johan Strandroth, Matteo Rizzi, M. Olai et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 45, p. 50-60
Journal article

Head-on collisions between passenger cars and heavy goods vehicles: Injury risk functions and benefits of autonomous emergency braking

Johan Strandroth, Matteo Rizzi, Anders Kullgren et al
2012 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Dublin;12 September 2012 through14 September 2012, p. 342-351
Paper in proceeding

Motorcycle crashes into road barriers: The role of stability and different types of barriers for injury outcome

Matteo Rizzi, Johan Strandroth, Simon Sternlund et al
2012 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Dublin:12 September through14 September 2012, p. 328-341
Paper in proceeding

A new method to evaluate future impact of vehicle safety technology in Sweden.

Johan Strandroth, Simon Sternlund, Claes Tingvall et al
Stapp car crash journal. Vol. 56, p. 497-509
Magazine article

The Correlation Between Pedestrian Injury Severity in Real-Life Crashes and Euro NCAP Pedestrian Test Results

Johan Strandroth, Matteo Rizzi, Simon Sternlund et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 12 (6), p. 604-613
Journal article

Prediction of neck injuries in rear impacts based on accident data and simulations

Ola Boström, Maria Krafft, Bertil Aldman et al
Paper in proceeding

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