Viktor Eriksson

Showing 7 publications


A unified thermodynamic and kinetic approach for prediction of microcapsule morphologies

Viktor Eriksson, Sofia Edegran, Matilda Croy et al
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 662, p. 572-582
Journal article

Microcapsule functionalization enables rate-determining release from cellulose nonwovens for long-term performance

Viktor Eriksson, Jules Mistral, Ting Yang Nilsson et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Vol. 11 (12), p. 2693-2699
Journal article

Polyanhydride Microcapsules Exhibiting a Sharp pH Transition at Physiological Conditions for Instantaneous Triggered Release

Viktor Eriksson, Leyla Beckerman, Erik Aerts et al
Langmuir. Vol. 39 (49), p. 18003-18010
Journal article

Solution-Spinning of a Collection of Micro- and Nanocarrier-Functionalized Polysaccharide Fibers

Hanna Ulmefors, Ting Yang Nilsson, Viktor Eriksson et al
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. Vol. 307 (8)
Journal article

Formulation of polyphthalaldehyde microcapsules for immediate UV-light triggered release

Viktor Eriksson, Markus Andersson Trojer, Szilvia Vavra et al
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 579, p. 645-653
Journal article

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