Sandip Wadekar

Showing 8 publications


Large-Eddy Simulation Study of Ultra-High Fuel Injection Pressure on Gasoline Sprays

Sandip Wadekar, Akichika Yamaguchi, Michael Oevermann
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 107 (1), p. 149-174
Journal article

Investigation of Influence of Injection Pressure on Gasoline Fuel Spray Characteristics Using Numerical Simulation

Sandip Wadekar
Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, p. 69-83
Book chapter

Large-eddy simulation study of combustion cyclic variation in a lean-burn spark ignition engine

Sandip Wadekar, Michael Oevermann
Applied Energy. Vol. 255 (1 December 2019)
Journal article

Large-Eddy Simulation on the Effects of Fuel Injection Pressure on the Gasoline Spray Characteristics

Sandip Wadekar, Akichika Yamaguchi, Michael Oevermann
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2019-January (January)
Journal article

A Multi-Cycle Large-Eddy Simulation Study of Combustion Cyclic Variation in a SI-engine

Sandip Wadekar, Michael Oevermann, Peter Janas
Other conference contribution

Large Eddy Simulation of Stratified Combustion in Spray-guided Direct Injection Spark-ignition Engine

Sandip Wadekar, Michael Oevermann, Andrei Lipatnikov
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Journal article

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