Youngwoo Nam

Doktorand at Quantum Device Physics image

Showing 9 publications


Graphene thermocouple fabricated on a flexible and transparent substrate

Youngwoo Nam, Daewon Gu, Munis Khan et al
AIP Advances. Vol. 14 (6)
Journal article

Unusual thermopower of inhomogeneous graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition

Youngwoo Nam, Jie Sun, Niclas Lindvall et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 104 (2), p. 021902 -
Journal article

Control of the Dirac point in graphene by UV light

Avgust Yurgens, Niclas Lindvall, Jie Sun et al
JETP Letters. Vol. 98 (11), p. 704-708
Journal article

Growth mechanism of graphene on platinum: Surface catalysis and carbon segregation

Jie Sun, Youngwoo Nam, Niclas Lindvall et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 104 (15)
Journal article

Quantum Hall effect in graphene decorated with disordered multilayer patches

Youngwoo Nam, Jie Sun, Niclas Lindvall et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 103 (233), p. 233110-
Journal article

Frame assisted H2O electrolysis induced H2 bubbling transfer of large area graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition on Cu

César Javier Lockhart de la Rosa, Jie Sun, Niclas Lindvall et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 102 (2)
Journal article

Graphene p-n-p junctions controlled by local gates made of naturally oxidized thin aluminium films

Youngwoo Nam, Niclas Lindvall, Jie Sun et al
Carbon. Vol. 50 (5), p. 1987-1992
Journal article

The Aharonov-Bohm effect in graphene rings with metal mirrors

Youngwoo Nam, J. S. Yoo, YungWoo Park et al
Carbon. Vol. 50 (15), p. 5562-5568
Journal article

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